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Best house in Ald-Ruhn?
Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 9:56 am
by Kool69
Does anyone know the best house in Ald-ruhn to "borrow" aka steal.... Looking for some nice storage space, not too big, near temple... thanks for any suggestions!
Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:39 pm
by Kool69
In my countious snooping around Ald-Ruhn for a house, i foudn out that you can break into the smiths house without a fine, well I didn't get one, nobody inside, nice storage space, a small bed, a couple of skill books, 3 or 2 i think, i know 2 are for armorer, and still small enough to not be a mansion. Just wanted to let everyonne know about this house if they were looking for a house in ald-ruhn without having to fight and/or they were playing xbox...
Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:38 pm
by UncleScratchy
Possible spoilers
A couple of other suggestions and POSSIBLE SPOILERS:
You can use the house of the guy who is in debt to all the merchants once he leaves. Go to the various merchants (pawnbroker, general store, clothier, enchanter, etc.) and they will offer you work to get their belongings back from the deadbeat. Be sure you've read Saryoni's Sermons first. When you talk to the deadbeat offer him a "sympathetic ear" and if you've read the sermons it gives a quote by Vivic out of the book that convinces him to mend his ways. The guy gives you all the unpaid for merchandise to return to the shop keepers and after you've rested for awhile the guy will have gone off to join the Temple (you will find him there in the Ald Ruhn Temple in a day or two). Now you can use his house.
Or if you're more adventurous you could pick the lock on the Redoran councilor's mansion, clean out the Sixth House monsters and set up shop. Don't know if they respawn or not.
Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:55 pm
by Kool69
Where is the dead beat and the sermon book?
Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:09 pm
by Sir chris
i think his hous is:
go south of the ald-ruhn mannor district untill you reach the cross roads his house is on the corner i think.....
note its been a while since ive done this so he might not be in that house
Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 4:23 pm
by Robnark
Re: Possible spoilers
Originally posted by UncleScratchy
Or if you're more adventurous you could pick the lock on the Redoran councilor's mansion, clean out the Sixth House monsters and set up shop. Don't know if they respawn or not.
if you mean the corprus beasts, they do respawn, although doing the relevant redoran quest might fix them. all I know is that I've been there more than once and had to clear it out again.