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1 hp

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 7:41 am
by garazdawi
Whoa, when I last lvled up I only got 1hp for all of my chars (I got 4 lvl ups at the same time ^^)

has anyone experienced this bug, or is it even a bug? maybe it's got something to do with the mods i've installed

item upgrade
ease of use

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 9:47 am
by Mirk
in 2nd ed AD&D all the classes stop recieving dXX HP + CON bonus at level-ups somewhere around level 10. after that, they just get (IIRC) +3 for warriors, +2 for rogues/priests, +1 wizards. mulivlassed char will of course get 1/2 of this, rounded down ,to a minmum of 1. maybe this is what happend?

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 4:12 pm
by garazdawi
rofl.. I totally forgot about that rule. It really freked me out. It's been like 1½ years since I played the game last time ^^ oh well, now that I know everything is fine I'll just keep on playing.