I keep trying to play Baldurs Gate with my friend over gamespy and when ever i try to join his game im left at the character arbitration screen but i cant really interact with anything. And my friends says that it always says i join then immediatley drop out. It happens when i try to join other peoples games too. And when people try to join my game they are just stuck at a black screen.
We tried using the IP adress thing but it dosnt seem to work.
Anyone know how to fix this?
Im running windows XP and as far as i know im not running any protection programs. Also we have the same patch.
Cant pla y Multy Player
Cant pla y Multy Player
-Mayer from Family Guy
Death dosn't scare me. His big scyckle does.
-Mayer from Family Guy
Death dosn't scare me. His big scyckle does.