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A mix of overlooked curiosities... (possible spoilers)
Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:26 pm
by Jack Dell
List of some things Id like an answer on if you would be so kind to provide:
can you perform those ridiculously spike consuming actions like opening the hangar bay(100 spikes) or shutting down the power grid (150 spikes)? (republic enclave computer, manaan)
Also, ... was anyone attacked or otherwise engaged by Huxta Jax when you beat his time in Swoop Racing?(manaan)
- is there any other information you can gather at the Sunry trial besides the incriminating video and information from Gluupor (the rodian) and Firith Me (the gambler)? I ask this because for such a time consuming quest, 400 xp doesnt seem like the real ending to me.
-can you convince the guy in the locker in the hrakert rift base to come out. If so, how much persuade does this require? (i tried it with 18 to no avail), and also if there is any reward for this.
-what happens if you kill the Giant Firaxan when you are taken to court? Are there any strong consequences to killing it?
They are all on manaan, a most annoying planet. (IMO)
also it would be nice if you used this thread to post your own *minor* curiosities. Please do not post questions that require long answers or discussions. Curiosities, like the title indicates
Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:29 pm
by fable
You can't open the hanger bay. I've heard it was a placeholder for a sidequest that (like so many) never materialized.
Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 9:31 am
by blackadder
Playing it dark side, i decided to kill the giant firaxan and i was tried for it and expelled from manaan under pain of death(although i later later learned that there was a way to be able to stay on manaan, though everybody would hate you
Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 11:55 pm
by maverick8088
You can bribe or force persuade the Hotel manager to testify in Sunry's behalf, gives you DS points though. The XP depend on how many Judges you convince. If you just get by with three you get the min. convince all 5 and you get more. If you want I can tell you how, but I don't want to spoil it w/o permission.
Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 7:05 pm
by Jack Dell
the thread does say spoiler, so I guess you are allowed to tell me anything that might be considered such. Its just I never really got closure from this particular quest.
Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 8:12 pm
by Armisael
You don't get DSP for bribing or force persuading the hotel manager to change his testimony.
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 6:20 am
by Galak
jack i can only answer 1 of your questions
u get excecuted if u kill the giant firaxe shark because it is legandary to the people of Manaan
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 10:48 am
by blackadder
u get excecuted if u kill the giant firaxe shark because it is legandary to the people of Manaan
no you dont... you just get banned from arto city!
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 12:33 pm
by maverick8088
Originally posted by Armisael
You don't get DSP for bribing or force persuading the hotel manager to change his testimony.
Are you playing PC, Armi? 'Cause on the XBOX, I thought I have always gotten DSP for that. And when Juhani is with me, she gives me a hard time about it.
Anyway, Jack, this is how the trial works. You must getthree judges to beleive you to get Sunry aquitted. Four gives you a greater XP, while five gives the highest and puts sanctions on the Sith, making prices lower for you throughout Manaan.
The judges have 5 levels of belief that (for the purposes of explanation)start at 0 and range from -2 (completely guilty)to +3(completely innocent). At -1 to +2 they remain undecided. The prosecution's arguments all shift the jury by -1 per round of questions. If the prosecution brings up the affair with Elassa, it is a -2 shift. Judge Naleshekan and Duula are the hardest to get.
Here's what to do: You can bribe Ingus if you want it's not necessary. Ask all questions for the first two, except the ones having to do with his disability. When questioning Elora, bring up the affair (find out about it from her or Sunry before the trial), then dismiss her. Don't ask Sunry whether Elassa was a spy, but do ask the other two ?'s. When closing, bring up only that no one saw the murder and the affair was over.
This should win the trial by a landslide and give you (I think)2000 XP and lower prices around Manaan. Or you can give the Judges the recording of Sunry killing Elassa and have it over with quick, but you don't lower the prices.
Either way, I would agree. Manaan is by far the most annoying planet. The way it's setup, you are constantly having to cross the entire city for one quest or another, spending more time loading than walking. And I HATE walking underwater in those stuck up, halfwitted, scruffy looking, nerfherder exosuits! (whose scruffy looking?)
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 12:44 pm
by maverick8088
Originally posted by Galak
u get excecuted if u kill the giant firaxe shark because it is legandary to the people of Manaan
Galak what would be the point of giving a huge DSP shift if you can't survive it. You must have said something wrong in the courtroom following the incident or something. I've never had that happen. I've always been banished like blackadder said.
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 3:33 pm
by fable
Are you playing PC, Armi? 'Cause on the XBOX, I thought I have always gotten DSP for that. And when Juhani is with me, she gives me a hard time about it.
I got DSP on the PC, as well.
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 10:30 pm
by Armisael
I've played it through on both versions, I usually have Jolee with me at the time. He'll say something to the effect of "I guess this is what's known as 'working the system'," and I won't get any DSP. On the other hand, if you use force persuade on Firith Me to learn that Elassa was a Dark Jedi, you do get DSP. Perhaps that's what you're thinking of.