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No Seqs for Aerie

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No Seqs for Aerie

Post by Boris »

Aerie has both Minor Spell Sequencer and Spell Seq. set up & shows the appropriate symbol on her portrait. However, the "innate abilities" button is greyed out, so I can't activate them, or even discharge them to set them up afresh!

By best guess was that I'd used a spell which I'd subsequently erased from her spell-book (A. doesn't have great Int., so I've been shuffling spells around quite a lot, and I can't remember for sure what I used in the Seqs). So I had her re-learn Minor Spell Deflection (the only likely candidate), but that had no effect.

Any ideas what the likely cause is, or how I might resolve this?
It's a real pain, because I was particularly looking forward to trying out some nice Clerical spells in the Seqs.

BTW, I *think* that the last time I checked, she seemed to have *two* Contingencies set-up! This should, of course, not be possible - & I was pretty sure that the first (Stoneskin when Helpless) had been used before the next (Cure Critical when Injured) was set-up. But I can't double-check this at the mo., coz I'm on the wrong machine.

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Post by nephtu »


I've had this happen myself. The most likely cause is dying with a trigger active. The easiest solution is to kill and rez her.
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

or you targetted someone who turned invisible...

cntrl-r should fix her,if you have cheat codes turned on...killing her works too.. :p
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Post by Iyke »

I suffered the same recurring bug with Aerie, and found my own solution described below. Incidentally - did it happen to you after Suldanesselar, perhaps when you are cast down for the final section of the game? Something strange happens to the sequencer info for all my characters at that point in the game.

Because the sequencer bug was even carried over into ToB for me, i just edited Aerie in shadowkeeper to give her 2 set snares in her special abilities (just the very basic thief traps). Of course, i never used the snares, but their presence guarantees that you never see her special abilities button greyed out, even when you know you have sequencers loaded.

btw - the Cleric/Mage combo is a great (and powerful) mix which i got very fond of. Aerie's minor sequencer thru most of the game was Chant+Sanctuary. I love this kind of thing, and magic missiles just slow my display anyway. I want to go thru the game again, perhaps with Big Picture installed, and i want to have a cleric/mage in my party. Are there others apart from Aerie, or will my PC need to take on this role if i want to leave her in the circus this time?

Thanks for advice, if anyone knows :)
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Post by JackOfClubs »

Aerie is the only joinable Cleric/Mage. You can create you own PC or use Shadow Keeper to edit one of the NPCs.
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Post by nephtu »


It's worth noting Viconia edits very nicely into a cleric/mage...
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Post by JackOfClubs »

Yep. She was the one I was thinking of.
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Post by Arcane »


this is of no help at all but i thought 'seqs' was meant to be a romance spoiler :D
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Post by Mr.Waesel »

Yeah, that's what I thought as well :D
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