Hessa, One-Day NPC*, is released!
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 5:42 pm
Hessa, the One-Day NPC* is released!
Inspired by the One-Day NPC concept introduced by Ghareth, Bons has created her own quick NPC project.
Hessa yr Nu'man will approach the party at the City Gates of Athkatla after Anomen has killed Surayah in the revenge path of his storyline. She will present herself as a source of information about the current location of Yusef Farrahd, which she will offer up at a price.
Hessa can be downloaded here.
Hessa includes:
- One neutral evil, half-elf thief, level 12, 13 or 15 depending on the party's experience at the first encounter.
- One small NPC-related quest
- One small, new quest-related area
- One new soundset of dubious entertainment value
- 12 banters and 20-something interjections
Hessa requires Throne of Bhaal to function, and requires that you have chosen to take revenge against Saerk and killed Surayah as part of Anomen's personal quest. Anomen's presence is not required after that.
* - Bons cheated and took one week.
Inspired by the One-Day NPC concept introduced by Ghareth, Bons has created her own quick NPC project.
Hessa yr Nu'man will approach the party at the City Gates of Athkatla after Anomen has killed Surayah in the revenge path of his storyline. She will present herself as a source of information about the current location of Yusef Farrahd, which she will offer up at a price.
Hessa can be downloaded here.
Hessa includes:
- One neutral evil, half-elf thief, level 12, 13 or 15 depending on the party's experience at the first encounter.
- One small NPC-related quest
- One small, new quest-related area
- One new soundset of dubious entertainment value
- 12 banters and 20-something interjections
Hessa requires Throne of Bhaal to function, and requires that you have chosen to take revenge against Saerk and killed Surayah as part of Anomen's personal quest. Anomen's presence is not required after that.
* - Bons cheated and took one week.