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Crit Build
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 10:12 pm
by HellBoundMidget
Whats a good crit build? like what class and such. i keep trying, but i messing up. =(
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 10:22 pm
by Armisael
Any class combination can be equally good with criticals. Scoundrels start with the first level of critical strike, so maybe scoundrel/guardian. Just make sure you're using weapons with a base threat range of 19-20, and remember that it's not necessarily worth using a nextor. You can't use either of the Yavin crystals if you're using a nextor for keenness, and any way you look at it your damage is going to be lower. Aside from that, you'll want two-weapon fighting and master speed.
Edit: oh, and focus on strength for best results.
Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 1:15 am
by Stilgar
Why focus on strenght?
Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 9:00 am
by Armisael
For more damage... hence more damaging criticals. If you can get your strength bonus up to 16, that's, say, an extra 80 to 96 damage per round with four attacks per round; 16 x 4, plus another 16 every time you score a critical, which'll be one or two times per round by probability. And increased stun chance with critical strike, as well.
Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 8:44 pm
by Jack Dell
yeah, well, that isnt possible as base strength unless you are darkside though. The only reason I did a crit build in the first place is because I thought that malak would be stunned, and that the battle would be very easy, but he didnt get stunned probably because my strength wasnt high enough. Question, does sneak attack add up when a critical strike occurs, or when a critical strike stuns?
Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 10:28 pm
by Armisael
It's certainly possible to get a +16 bonus as light side, assuming you're a guardian.
18+5 base, +5 (dominators), +2 (CNS), +5 (valor), +6 (stim), +3 (light side mastery).
That's 44, but I believe your strength above 40 is halved. It's still +16.
Your average damage per round will be something ungodly like 250 with this setup. It'll take you two rounds at most to defeat Malak, or with a bit of luck, only one.
Sneak attack only occurs when an enemy is caught flat footed - affected by stun or fear, unaware of the attack (i.e. when you're invisible), and I think also when the enemy is attacking somebody other than you. Sneak attack is factored in before critical strike's stun effect, so if the enemy isn't stunned when you attack then the sneak attack won't work.
Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 7:39 pm
by Jack Dell
Ok thankyou for the stun information. But you cannot get to 32 strength with just equipment provided you have no stims or valor, which are a very cheap way to uber power yourself. I must clarify that I have the xbox version where masteries dont give you any bonuses at all (which frankly sucks). Lightside without any temporary bonuses can only get to 30.