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Problems with Lenton

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 9:31 pm
by Maeglin
I have the Troll Chieftan's head for Lenton, in Chapter 2. But he can never accept it cause he won't stop hitting that stupid training dummy with his sword! I've come back like five times, I've saved between, I've exited and re-loaded the game... Slightly frustrating. Anyone have any ideas? Much appreciated.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 12:28 am
by Xandax
Now if you had looked over the first 10 topics or done a search you would have comed up with this thread: ... adid=27959

It will tell you something about that problem.

Edit: I'm closing this topic, please use the one I've linked to in the thread - there is no need to have 2 active on the same subject :cool: