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Good aligned party
Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 7:36 am
by Squee
I need some advice for a good aligned party. I'm not sure wich classes to have. If anyone could give me some advice for a good aligned party I would be grateful.
By the way, does a Paladin of Mystra/Sorcerer receive any xp penalties?
Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 8:14 am
by Sojourner
Without knowing your playing style, it's hard to make any recommendations beyond the standard tank, cleric/druid and wizard/sorceror every party should have.
As for the Paladin of Mystra/Sorcerer build, as long as you're playing a race with one of those classes as the favored class, you won't experience any experience penalties, but keep in mind, once you add a sorc level, you can't level up any more as a paladin.
Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 8:17 am
by Stilgar
Every party should have these people in it
- a leader
- a healer
- a magic user
- a thief
- melee fighter
For i leader i would go for a sorcerer or a bard. Cause they both need a high charisma. I would go for the bard, their songs become very powerfull at higher levels, and they make good backup casters/healers. If you create an elven sorcerer, you can use bows, that can be very handy.
For a healer you can choose either cleric or druid. Personally i prefere the cleric.
For a spellcaster either mage or sorcerer (or if you like magic, have 2 memebers use spells) choose what you want.
I usually give my thief 1 level ranger, then he/she can dualwield, and make a good backup melee figher
For fighters choose what you want.
As you see i'm not realy into multi-classing, for that you could take a look at the sticky.
Any more questions?
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 3:57 am
by Coot
I don't think classes have much to do with alignment - except maybe clerics and paladins.
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 12:38 pm
by Mirk
the quesstion is. do ypu want just a party that has good alignment and does good deeds, in which case just create whatever chars you want, and play accordingly,
you want to roleplay some specific band of advantures, with a story behind them, either of your own creation or from movies/literature (drizzt & co., lord of the rings, etc.)
run a search for "same race party", there was a thread discussing such things like an all underdark races party led by a drow priestess, with deep gnpmes freed slaves, etc.
the fun of IWD2 is that it lets you do this things, and not end up with a "gimped" characters...
oh, there's a thread on this page about a heavy-multiclassing good aligned party, too.
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 1:47 pm
by Squee
After I saw IWD 2:s Holy Avenger I knew that a Paladin was a must! Well thanks anyway.
Where can you find a real party list for Drizzt and Co?