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Maze only works on 2 intel creatures?
Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 6:41 pm
by Lord Nyax
I was just wondering, does maze work on creatures with level 1 intelligence? I seem to remember some spell that only works on creatures with higher that level 2 intelligence. Is maze that spell?
Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 6:58 pm
by Aegis
I don't remember Maze or any other spell that has a limitation like that. I do know that INT has an effect on how long the creature is mazed for, but I don't think the level of INT can keep a spell from working.
Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 9:04 pm
by Oye
Most of the description of the spell can be found
on this very site, who would've thought.
For the lazy/people without manuals/****s who have dled the game, here's the full description:
Code: Select all
Intelligence of target Time trapped in maze
< 3 2d4 turns
3-5 1d4 turns
6-8 5d4 rounds
9-11 4d4 rounds
12-14 3d4 rounds
15-17 2d4 rounds
18+ 1d4 rounds
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 1:49 am
by Stilgar
Refresh my memory,
how many rounds are a turn again?
(i keep forgetting this, just like bits/bytes)
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 7:55 am
by Screaming Johny
A turn is 10 rounds. A round is 6 seconds. A turn is 1 minute.
(Also, there are 8 bits in a byte.
Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 5:18 pm
by Lord Nyax
Thanks then
Okay then. Well, that's too bad. I was hoping to make a half-orc kensai with 1 intelligence and be able to justify it!