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Error in Morrowind Skills section

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 5:42 pm
by Isaak Tridel
At least I'm quite sure there is an error.

The skill guide (found here) claims that sneak determines "Successful Pick-pocket."

Well, I have Morrowind for the PC. I have the original direction book as well, which states (Page 41, Stealth, Picking Pockets):
To steal an item from a person, you must first be in Sneaking. While Sneaking, approach the person in question and hit the Spacebar when the individual's name appears above his head. An inventory window will appear for that person. Since picking pockets is based on your Security skill, you will not always see everything a person is carrying..
Now I'm rather confused. Which explanation is correct? I would assume that the original book is. I've also noticed that I fail stealing a lot, probably due to my 40 security (while my sneak is ~75).

This is an important aspect for character building and should be fixed if the information is misleading. If, however, the information given in the skill guide on this site is correct, I'd like to know how you came about the REAL information regarding picking pockets.

Thank you.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 5:54 pm
by Ares2382
Ok here is the deal. Sneak skill determines how succesful you are at pick pocketing, but I do believe the size of the item you trying to steal is also a factor. Security skill only allows you to see what the person's inventory is, the higher you security skill is the more of the targets inventory you will be able to see, and you can only steal what you see in his inventory. Hope that helps.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 6:00 pm
by Isaak Tridel
I was thinking that perhaps this was the case. It's very confusing, because the direction books doesn't clearly say that.

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 3:24 am
by Coot
Originally posted by Ares2382
Sneak skill determines how succesful you are at pick pocketing

Man, that means I must be doing something very wrong. My sneaking is at 125 (maxed out plus some sneak enhancing items) but I don't have a lot of success pickpocketing people! My security is around 85.

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 2:27 pm
by Sir chris
have you ever tryed pick pocketing them from behind? or have all the people facing away from you?