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My Character, critiscm please.

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 1:50 pm
by lifeishell91
What do you think of my character, and can you give me some constructive critiscim?? Thanx.

Name: Mistress Salina Deathstar (female, DUH! :p )
Race: Wood Elf
Sign: Artonach
Specialization: Magic
Favourites: INT and Agility

Custom Class: Witch of the Shawdow
Major Skills: Marksman, Unarmoured, Short blade, Alteration, Conjuration
Minor skills: Alchemy, Sneak, Illusion, Mysticim, Restoration
Level: 9 (just started yesterday!) :rolleyes:

--Shirt of the Goddess (red extravagant shirt with CE restore fatigue 1pt and Water Walking)
--Salinas Pants of War (extravagant pants(the lighter ones) with CE Bound Longbow and Bound Cuirass)
--Shadow Belt (Exquisite Belt with CE Night-Eye 40pts)
--Boots of Blinding Speed (Boild Netch Leather Boots with CE 100% Blinding (I use a spell of 100% resist magic to resist blinding) and 200 pts Fortify Speed which I *borrowed* from Pemenie :p )
--Soul Drinker (Daedric Dagger with Cast on Strike Soul Trap 30 sec(reward from Mages Guild in Balmora))
--Daedric wakizashi
--Ring of Summon Golden Saint (Cast when used Summon Golden Saint for 39 secs)
--Ring of Opening (Open 100pts on Touch)

--The second Face with Black eyes
--The Short Black hair

Note: All enchanted items were done by me BTW except for Soul Drinker and Boots of Blinding Speed. :D

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 4:01 pm
by Twoback23
How long did it take you do get that far? :confused:

One small suggestion... very small, perhaps a glass jinx blade :p
Plus it looks cooler (besides more damage or whatever)

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 6:13 pm
by Isaak Tridel
Reminds me of a Nightblade...kind of.

Not what I personally like, but I bet it works.

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 6:19 pm
I dislike the name Deathstar. Seems like a Star Wars name to me!! :p Anyways looks pretty good for a Lvl 9! ;)

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 5:09 am
by lifeishell91
Hey, thanks u guys for the ideas, and I did go out to the Redoran Vaults and raid it, and I found a nice little ebony shortsword! I then enchanted it to paralyze for 2 or 3 secs.
But then I went and found that mine near Balmora and told serjo oran, or sumthin like that :p Then I told I like shortblades and he gave me a daedric wakizashi :D ! I also enchanted an exquisite skirt with CE bound cuirass, langbow and gauntlets! I also grew to lvl 11.... :eek: ! now tell me that wasn't woth 2 hours of playing?? :D :rolleyes: it took be like 8-10 hours to get this far @Twoback ;)

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 9:40 am
by lifeishell91
Actually, Im on lvl 13 'cos I trained my Alchemy to 82 earlier and my Mysticm to 30 or 35, can't remember... :D