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Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2001 9:38 pm
by Prince of Havoc
I restart the game every time I get to the Asylum because I like and want to try every class. I use the manual to try and figure out my part before hand so I can adjust my Character accordingly (class). Ok so here is my question and I have no idea why I just told you all that: whenever I do the mission in the copper corronet (freeing the gladiators) Joluv always becomes mad at me and I don't know why. I don't attack him and none of my party members do on accident so if someone could explain this or tell me if I should just skip that mission till I have everything from him that I want.

Also, are Bards any good? They seem like they would be fun. So far I have played as a Monk, all 3 fighter types, an Archer, a Cleric (briefly), and probably some other things. I have never made it passed the Asylum, because I always start over and I want a consensus on what class you all recommend for me. I like fighting but I like magic, and priest spells don't do it for me. I would like to play as a Druid but I don't know what the best type of Druid is and if I do become a Druid who should be my party.

Thanks, Havoc

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2001 9:45 pm
by Rasputin
How high is your reputation? This may have something to do with it (guess on my part).

Skalds are good characters, as also are druids. I found the animal summoning spells very useful. If you have the ring of Gaxx, your druid/cleric is not needed for healing spells so much and can concentrate on offensive spells.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2001 9:50 pm
by Drakron Du´Dark
Well, once I had Julov run off in to the street, that is because you are attacking the CC guards (it O.K., you sould be doing that), try not to use spells on then and sucker them insides the rooms (were jolov cannot see a fight).

Bards are O.K. but its not something that one does not what to try on first runs, Skalds are quite good to start with.

Cats, 2101.

[This message has been edited by Drakron Du´Dark (edited 03-02-2001).]