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Newbie question D&D Rules/scrolls/readmagic

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 7:26 pm
by phantomposter
Been a long time since I played D&D and I just started playing TOEE. I figured out how to use scrolls that I found Near the beginning.

You use read magic to know what type of spell it is. That is when it shows up in the radial menu so that you can use that scroll.

Once you use read magic, you have to sleep for eight hours before you can use that spell again. So if you get ten scrolls, it will take a long time to identify them unless you pay to get this done or does everyone make sure that all of the PC's use some sort of magic?

Is there a quicker way?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 4:34 am
by Mulligan
If you have a Sorceror, make sure to pick Read Magic at Lvl 1.
You may then cast 5 or 6 of theese spells each day.

If you have Clerics of good or neutral alignment who whorships good or neutral deities, memorize Read Magic in all your Lvl = slots.

For clerics only, theese spells can be converted to Cure Minor Wounds spells, if evil cleric or neutral cleric of evil god, still memorize Read Magic in all slots (only useful lvl 0 spell ), but then they get converted to Inflict Minor Wounds spell.

With 1-3 spellcasters, ( you can hire a wizard at the inn in Homlet ) you can easily cast 5-15 of Read Magic each 8-hour period.

Make sure you have the patches installed, (both Official and Cirle of Eight ) then you can also identify Potions with the Read Magic spell

Hope this helps :D

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 4:15 pm
by phantomposter
That was aswome advice, thanks. So far I really like this game.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 2:17 pm
by kellinjar
When your caster reachers level 5 (best done with cleric or wizard) have them take craft wand and craft a wand of read magic for 375 gp, it will give you 20 charges of read magic.