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Strategy: Ninja (Shadow Dancer)

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 4:59 pm
by Aremah


Many people mistake ninjitsu for a style of combat, like karate or jujitsu. In reality, it was a complex art, consisting of many areas of knowledge and skill that an upcoming Rogue would need to perfect before becoming a ninja. Stealth, disguise, survival, deception, psychology and diplomacy are just a few of those, aside from expertise in many kinds of weapons, poisons and other means of dealing death. One could only be born a ninja, it was impossible to become one. Extreme training began the moment a future Rogue started talking and placing his first steps, and lasted for many years. The process itself was extremely secretive, and all ninja were taught that death, be it by the hand of another or one's own, was the only way in a situation that could jeopardize any of the secrets of ninjitsu. Traitors were tracked down and murdered without any hesitation. There were several kinds of ninja, of which the most notable were shinobi (Rogues focused mainly on stealth and combat) and kunoichi (female Rogues who specialized in diplomacy and intelligence).

Character Concept

The kunoichi is a female master of diplomacy, deception and disguise. Trained in many fields of psychological warfare and often underestimated because of her gender, she functions as an extraordinary spy and assassin, especially when male targets that are known to seek the company of beautiful women are concerned. The kunoichi rarely takes part in open combat, usually disappearing without a trace if she finds herself in danger. If backed into a corner, the kunoichi closes the distance between her and the attacker, using her extreme agility to evade blows and fight dirty but effectively.

In Neverwinter Nights, this amounts to high stealth (Hide and Move Silently), extreme Dexterity and related feats (Epic Dodge, Self Concealment), diplomacy skills (Persuade, Appraise) and very high sneak attacks (15d6 or more). To stay within concept, you will be using daggers, kamas and kukris to exemplify the training a kunoichi recieves in easily concealable - but deadly when used correctly - weapons.

The character's alignment is a choice for you to make based on personal preference, but since the concept is of an Rogue trained for the cause since birth, an evil alignment should be picked. Read the descriptions carefully and decide which fits your character best. The alignment I found most fitting was Lawful Evil.

This character requires a very high Dexterity as a pre-requisite for Epic Dodge and Self Concealment. In conjunction with the Use Magic Device skill, it will also allow you to wear magical robes, in which case you will have an armor class higher than that given to you by any armor. Diplomacy, blending in and intimate situations are also more viable when unarmored and seemingly unarmed. You will be raising Dexterity with every single extra attribute point that you recieve (every four levels).

When you level as a Rogue (character levels 1-10 and 20-40), max out the following skills: Move Silently, Open Locks, Persuade, Search, Disable Trap, Spot, Hide, Tumble (+8 natural AC by the end), Use Magic Device, Lore and Appraise. You could go with Bluff instead of Appraise, but I find Appraise more useful if you already have a high Persuade skill. When you level as a Shadow Dancer (character levels 10-20), you will recieve two skill points less at each level up and will not have all of the skills above available as class skills. At those times, I recommend you keep maxing Move Silently, Persuade, Search, Spot, Hide, Tumble and Lore. Keep the rest for later, when you start levelling as a Rogue again.

Character Statistics And Feat Progression

RACE: Human (female)
CLASS: Rogue
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil
ATTRIBUTES: Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Wis 8, Int 14, Cha 10
SKILLS: Move Silently 4, Open Locks 4, Persuade 4, Search 4, Disable Trap 4, Spot 4, Hide 4, Tumble 4, Use Magic Device 4, Lore 4, Appraise 4

Level 1: (Rogue 1) Ambidexterity, Two Weapon Fighting
Level 2: (Rogue 2) --
Level 3: (Rogue 3) Weapon Finesse
Level 4: (Rogue 4) --
Level 5: (Rogue 5) --
Level 6: (Rogue 6) Dodge
Level 7: (Rogue 7) --
Level 8: (Rogue 8) --
Level 9: (Rogue 9) Mobility
Level 10: (Rogue 10) Crippling Strike
Level 11: (Shadow Dancer 1) --
Level 12: (Shadow Dancer 2) Weapon Proficiency (Exotic)
Level 13: (Shadow Dancer 3) --
Level 14: (Shadow Dancer 4) --
Level 15: (Shadow Dancer 5) Knockdown
Level 16: (Shadow Dancer 6) --
Level 17: (Shadow Dancer 7) --
Level 18: (Shadow Dancer 8) Improved Knockdown
Level 19: (Shadow Dancer 9) --
Level 20: (Shadow Dancer 10) --
Level 21: (Rogue 11) Great Dexterity I
Level 22: (Rogue 12) --
Level 23: (Rogue 13) Opportunist
Level 24: (Rogue 14) Great Dexterity II
Level 25: (Rogue 15) --
Level 26: (Rogue 16) Improved Sneak Attack
Level 27: (Rogue 17) Great Dexterity III
Level 28: (Rogue 18) --
Level 29: (Rogue 19) Epic Dodge
Level 30: (Rogue 20) Great Dexterity IV
Level 31: (Rogue 21) --
Level 32: (Rogue 22) --
Level 33: (Rogue 23) Self Concealment I
Level 34: (Rogue 24) Self Concealment II
Level 35: (Rogue 25) --
Level 36: (Rogue 26) Self Concealment III
Level 37: (Rogue 27) --
Level 38: (Rogue 28) Self Concealment IV
Level 39: (Rogue 29) Self Concealment V
Level 40: (Rogue 30) --

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 5:00 pm
by Aremah
This is the second ninja variation build and the fourth of five Japanese themed builds (the mahotsukai will be coming soon). Again, to the best of my knowledge, the build is correct, but feel free to point out any mistakes.