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Mods - Big Picture - Spoilers Wanted

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 3:28 pm
by coolguyclay
Hey Folks. I played through The Darkest Day this summer (with BGII, of course) and had a blast. I came back to check the forums to see if the game was still alive and was quite shocked! Not only were people still posting, but there were a ton of mods out for it. So, I have some questions . . .

First of all, what is the best order to install the mods? Like, if I install TDD before SoS or something like that, will that affect stuff? Is any WeiDU mod good for the Big Picture? (I like the look for some of those)

Secondly, I want to play everything!!! I notice in some mods (Tortured Souls for a good example) that certain quests are only available certain ways. I want to do all the quests in each mod, so what is a good order?
Do I need to complete all mods before ToB?
Will I need to drop party members for certain mod's quests? (Sos especially)

Any other advice would be great. Feel free to spoil what you need to tell me how to accomplish everything. Basically I will "power game" through to see it all. Any suggestions for good NPCs to take or such would be great too. Thanks so much.



Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 4:32 pm
by fable
Originally posted by coolguyclay
Any other advice would be great. Feel free to spoil what you need to tell me how to accomplish everything.

Feel free to ask specific questions, rather than expect members to spend hours just passing along general insights they've gathered. :rolleyes: :D ;) Also, if you want spoilers, put it in your thread title; and check out the BG Reference Crossroads, which contains a huge listing of available mods, as well as a suggested order for loading.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 12:23 am
by Harbinger
Sounds like you want The Big Picture/BGT/NEJ which allows you to play from BGI thru to BGII-TOB as well as SoS, TDD, TS, and NEJ its huge. As far as Weidu add ons compatibility will be a problem, I know Ease of Use and Item Upgrade work. For more info check should keep you busy for awhile.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 9:04 am
by jcompton
As far as Weidu add ons compatibility will be a problem

Thanks entirely to the "design" of Big Picture, yes.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 6:58 am
by coolguyclay
Hey. I checked the sticky thread at the top of the page and that helped with installation stuff. Thank you.

As for my other questions, maybe I can clarify. I dont' need to know every tip and trick, but I would like to experience every mod. For example, from what I read about the tourtured souls mod, I have to have Yoshimo and Kackari (whatever the new NPC's name is) in my party to go to some new place. Can I just add them later when I want to, or do I need to play with them all game?

Stuff like that, I don't want to miss playing that world, but also need to consider having them in my party either at some point or all the time. What other things like that are needed? (unless the list is just too huge).

Also, for ToB, do I have to finish most of the mods before I go to ToB? Like I guess the previous one I do, since I need the ship at the docks. And IIRC, the areas for TDD are only available during the SoA part of the game, so I'd have to finish all those quests first as well before ToB.

So if any of oyu have any other ideas to "do it all" so to speak, let me know. Thanks again.

