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What the hell should we do?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:15 am
by RandomThug
Ok I've had it up to here (Is pointing at ceiling but well thats wasted on you non here people). I argue I fight, I listen to radio shows and I scream at O'reilly and Hannity. I ***** with Aegis and read Fables long boring fact filled posts (No insult meant, Im just well impatient). I love reading those posts who side with me as much as those who dont.

But now I've had it and I wanna just say it. Im stuck. I believe in what my Country is doing but damnit it aint gonna change anyone elses opinion so Im stuck in every argument I get in about this.

So I ask you this.

What the hell should we do about this terrorism thing. Your Opinion of the better way to handle it, and I dont wanna hear "Any way other than Bush's"

How do we stop the threat to the US how do we stop the threat to Spain how do we stop the threat between... I mean **** what can we do?

CM? Smass? Fable? Chanak? Laz? Aegis? Scayde? Weasel? Anyone!

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:34 am
by Weasel
Originally posted by RandomThug

How do we stop the threat to the US how do we stop the threat to Spain how do we stop the threat between... I mean **** what can we do?

CM? Smass? Fable? Chanak? Laz? Aegis? Scayde? Weasel? Anyone!

There is no way to please all.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 12:08 pm
by CM
Dont please all but hell go after the correct targets. The saudis are the first people on my hit list if i was american. The american govt isnt about winning the hearts and minds of the muslim world. Its about dominating it. That is the perception and honestly so far its been proven true.

First stop bullying, forcing and threatening countries. Look at their problems and work with them.

Personally i would aim to establish a democracy in the very countries the US pays off year after year to help with its oil, or military/strategic needs. Namely:

1. Saudi
2. Egypt
3. Jordan
4. Kuwait

These are the main money sources of Islamic terrorist organizations as they have the oil money. Egypt is a fertile ground for terrorists because everybody hates Mubarak and his tyranny.

Dont go invade and then force changes. Establish people, support democractic movements etc etc.

After dealing with those 4. Go after Pakistan and Iran, mainly help these two countries with education. Pakistan esp. The reason why you have so many people ready to take up arms in Pakistan is because there is no education well good education for the poor. Once they are educated they wont fall victim to the fundementalist nature of these sicks.

If you want a more detailed plan i can think up of something. But the idea should not be the US does what ever it wants whenever it wants. If you continue to do that dont expect any remorse for the people who are getting invaded.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 12:17 pm
by Weasel
Originally posted by CM
The saudis are the first people on my hit list if i was american.

Warmonger Weasel replies... I hope for the day the US turns from that Government.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 12:33 pm
by nael
keep going with preemptive strikes.
libya is at least putting up the front that they are changing, take out another country, and maybe another will change.

the #1 thing we can do, keep Kerry out of office.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 12:41 pm
by Weasel
Originally posted by nael
, take out another country,

I was looking around and found some people

(not that you are a Far Far Right Crazy Person :D )

that they believe if Bush is reelected, Iran will be next.. two years down the road.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 12:45 pm
by Schwoebli
as weasel said: there is no way to please all. so unless you kill everyone else you cant prevent terrorism for sure. sad but true. however a well educated and content person is much less likely to become a terrorist than someone uneducated and angry...

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 1:05 pm
by Aegis
How about be consistant. If a country is going to invade another country based a set of criteria (for instance, the Rogue Nation criteria) then at least do the same to the other 'Rogue' nations like Korea, and Libya, and so forth.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 1:30 pm
by Xandax
Originally posted by Aegis
How about be consistant. If a country is going to invade another country based a set of criteria (for instance, the Rogue Nation criteria) then at least do the same to the other 'Rogue' nations like Korea, and Libya, and so forth.

That would really sway general oppinion of the US.

"Well at least they invaded consitantly ....."

Don't see any solution to terrorisme. There will always be disgruntled people, and disgruntled to such an extreem as terrosisme represent.

The only hope there is for humanity is education, and that - "unfortunally" - requiere non-totalitary regimes that allow for other oppions then the people at power, and the right to express that oppion. So that is a far fetch dream in many of the countries that provide the foundation of terrorisme.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 2:45 pm
by VonDondu
We should appease the terrorists and give them everything they want. That would stop them.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 2:56 pm
by Weasel
Originally posted by VonDondu
We should appease the terrorists and give them everything they want. That would stop them.

This would kind of hurt my goals....I want to live a little longer. :D Now if anyone wants to kill their selfs, far be it for me to say anything. I will though accept any thing these people are willing to will to me. :D

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 3:03 pm
by Vicsun
We should pump more greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. This way because every problem is relative, the threat of terrorism will be almost gone in a generation or two. If the pentagon is to be trusted, probably even sooner.

To only way to truly increase success is to lower expectations...

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 3:05 pm
by Baedden
I have to agree with VonDondu that one of the few solutions to terrorism is just to give the terrorists what they want. It worked in Algeria. I don't think that the U. S. should, or would, do that, though. I think we'll go the other route and just harrass them back until they realize we don't operate that way.

It's just weird to me that they decided to try terrorism here, anyway. I mean, it worked in Algeria because the French were colonizers. They could go back to France if they felt scared. Same theory with Ireland, too - if you don't want to get bombed, get out of our country.

But where are we going to go, if they make us scared to live here? I mean, the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor and we eventually drop atomic weapons on them. Doesn't Al Queda realize that we play for keeps? Of course, the other side of the coin is that two and a half years after Sep. 11, we really care more about who's going to win on The Apprentice than who's going to pay for the Twin Towers, so maybe what will finally convince them is the fact that we're too obtuse for terrorism to work on us.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 3:05 pm
by Morlock
Start prayin'. Nothing you can do will help.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 3:17 pm
by Morlock
Or Kill 'em All

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 3:19 pm
by Zelgadis
Originally posted by Morlock
Start prayin'. Nothing you can do will help.

Then I guess we atheists/agnostics have a problem :D

I say put most the effort in prevention. We'll never be able to physically remove all terrorists from the world, maybe not even most. But we should be able to prevent them from killing people.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 3:31 pm
by Morlock
Originally posted by Zelgadis
I say put most the effort in prevention. We'll never be able to physically remove all terrorists from the world, maybe not even most. But we should be able to prevent them from killing people.

Not in any politicaly correct way.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 4:05 pm
by CM
Look you cant deal with terrorists. Just like i cant deal with a Le Pen supporter or the KKK or any of the neo-nazi groups in the west. However i hope and pray that there is no broad support for these organizations.

The aim should not be to eliminate the wackos. You cant do that. As some one sig here said, Man is producing better computers while the Universe is producing idiots. So far the universe is winning. What you can do is aim to eliminate the base these terrorists have within the various communities.

Palestine is an excellent example. After oslo the hamas lost every election/thing held within the palestinian territories. People were happy with the peace. It was only after things fell through and the fighting started that Hamas and Islamic Jihad gained popularity once again.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 4:07 pm
by Gilgalen
CM? Smass? Fable? Chanak? Laz? Aegis? Scayde? Weasel? Anyone!
Is this the Gamebanshee think tank? I’m bummed that I’m not a member. Well, I’m not very smart really, but I like to belong. :(

Anyways… this unilluminati thinks that you cannot rid the world of terrorists. Any attempts at force catch some yet breed more. You could go after the root cause, but I think you’d find that intractable as well. Terrorists don’t have a simple list of grievances that they’d like to arbitrate; they want radical, violent change that no one is going to agree to. Dissolution of sovereign nations. Resetting of national borders. Dispossession of ethnic groups. Genocide. Religious conversion.

All you can do is be vigilant. You can save the sabre rattling for enemies that show themselves and will sit at the negotiating table. Terrorists get off on violence.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 4:14 pm
by Aegis
Actually, I think the names he named are the names of people with the most public views, of which each feels very strongly, and has made it very clear about it. That, and some of those names are of people who have proven themselves as having knowledge in the areas, and discuss it frequently (not to say we are the only ones, we're just the most vocal)