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Anomen Romance Questions

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 12:20 pm
by Jyrran
This is my first run-through trying to follow the romance to completion, and I've run into some problems I think. I've been following the Romance Guide very closely, and I had gotten to LT=31 (if you're familiar with the guide, you'll know what I mean), but that was a LONG time ago (real-time = ~4 weeks, game-time = ~1 week) and I haven't seen anything new since.

1. Can LoveTalk be checked using SK? For some reason I thought it could, but I don't see it under the Global Variables tab.

2. If #1 is Yes, how do I get the variable back?

3. Under Global Variables, is the AnomenRomance value (six-digit number currently) the counter that counts down to the next LoveTalk session? If yes, it doesn't appear to be counting down. What happened and how do I fix it?

I had gotten out of the Underdark, but missed clearing out the Mind-Flayer Dungeon. I realized this after I'd gone back to Athkatla and Anomen got vampired. I got Anomen back, and then went back to the Mind-Flayer Dungeon.

Did I mess up the progression of the game by doing this?

Any help would be appreciated!!

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 2:35 pm
by Numinor
The 'Lovetalk' values appear under "Affects" of the romanced NPC, not under Global Variables.
The "counter not counting down" is a commom mis-assumption, the game counts up to this number, not down from it. You can't see or alter the actual counter unfortunatley.

What's the value of "AnomenRomanceActive" ? It should be 2 at that stage of the romance. Also Anomen must have had his test for knighthood to continue with the romance I believe.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 6:35 am
by Jyrran

Thanks for the response.

The AnomenRomanceActive = 2.

Anomen has passed is test and is now Sir Anomen.

I see the line item under Affects, and LT value is now 33.

Am I just getting jumpy?

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 6:53 am
by Numinor
Have you rested lately ? I think some of Anomen's romance dialogues require that the party rests.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 7:43 am
by Jyrran
I rested several times before deciding to post the questions.

According to the romance guide I may be at the point where I have to wait for 3 in-game days to pass before Terl will spawn (which I think is the next step) but I'm not sure.

When I pick up the game again later this morning I'll see where that takes me.

Thanks for your help!