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anticipation too much

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 5:31 am
by Digitalchimp
how much does this look like it will be bed-wettingly good?

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 8:45 am
by fable
You've never tried the game, and you're asking people who have never tried the game: with respect, I don't understand what that can offer you. If you want artificial hype to give yourself a feelgood about Fable, read the official marketing campaign--hell, read *any* official marketing campaign. Every game is simply going to blow away not merely its competition, but everything that's preceded it, being redolent in imagination, originality, pulse-pounding excitement, babes, color, fantastic graphics, etc. Adapt this as you will to your flavor of genre, and stir vigorously. Results: all the BS you could possibly ever consume. ;)

But if you really want to know what a game title-in-production is like, you'll avoid the hype and the articles that sling cliches and praise based on screenshots or alpha builds, and check out a game's corporate forums for actual hard facts about concepts and implementation. You might also look for the reactions of beta testers, though these are frequently skewed in favor of even the most flawed games. Short of reading the forums to decide whether a game is the kind of thing you'll like, try the I Ching or tarot cards. Those are just as likely to give you an honest feeling for content as any PR campaign will. :D

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 6:49 am
by Digitalchimp



well, uh...ok.

I still think it looks good, though, apparently you dont though, and I apologise if i've offended you :D

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 9:12 am
by fable
Re: ...
Originally posted by Digitalchimp
I still think it looks good, though, apparently you dont though, and I apologise if i've offended you :D

Hey! You didn't offend me. :) You just asked a question for which there is no answer. If you want to get yourself all hyped up by reading the PR, be my guest. :D I thought you wanted genuine information, and I was taking your request for in-depth information seriously. ;)

I don't dislike Fable. I also don't like it. I've reviewed and played too many games that looked like they were going to be the best thing since Naomi Campbell discovered bodysuits, only to realize after release that they were messes--check out Lionheart and TOEE for good examples. ;) People who got all excited about 'em are now in the doldrums and feel cheated. If you want to commit to a PR campaign in advance of seeing a product, though, who am I to stop you? :D My attitude towards Fable is the same as that towards any other game, with the exception of those done by dev teams I know personally: wait and see.

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 5:13 am
by Digitalchimp

Fair enough, but I like being hyped up about a game, hell if its cack then so be it, Fables just a side project for me until True fantasy comes out anyway. If that's bad, I'll kill myself.

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 10:31 am
by dragon wench
Of course, you can always wait until a game has been out for a while, and then check what people are saying ;) Besides, if you can wait you usually get some pretty decent deals :cool:

I tend to like open-ended games so this does pique my interest, and I'll likely be keeping my eyes on the reviews. Hopefully by the time it comes out on PC (if I, in fact, decide to get it) I'll have replaced my old P3... :rolleyes:

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 11:51 pm
by Bloodthroe
well i dont know how good fable is going to be, but i consider if you think a game is bed-wetting good and your atleast the age of 12 then maybe you should cut down on the vid games or sugar, one of those two. me i'd never cut down on the games.. for the first couple days until im bored with it. That being said i dont know much about the game fable, me not being an extreme gamer anymore, i spend my time making sure i only play the best games, as i only have time for them. However i have a friend that's completely well.. almost bed-wetting intrested about fable. Says its going to be the ultimate game, a cross between star wars knights of the old republic and morrowind. both good games, but this will be more advanced, and unlike morrowind certain missions have a time limit otherwise u get a diferent outcome. At any case a kid whos village was burned in front of him, how could u not have the heart to check out his game. :o

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 1:53 pm
by pepsi
This game is looking awsome, I almost craped myself when I read about it in XBN.

I like how its going to be non-linear like morrowind (which takes some getting used too), and I cant wait to mess around with people, try out being good or bad, etc.

The only thing i'm NOT looking forward too is the way you look when you turn evil-ish. You get all weird looking and get horns, and flies follow you around. I wish that you would just stay human-ish and get a bad rep.


Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 5:56 am
by Digitalchimp
Cut down on Video games? cut down on sugar? are you trying to kill me man? I idint expect this to turn into such an intimate conversation (hance ive not posted on it for weeks) I just think it looks good, apparently other peopl do too, which makes me feel slightly better.

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 11:49 am
by Bloodthroe
Originally posted by Digitalchimp
Cut down on Video games? cut down on sugar? are you trying to kill me man? I idint expect this to turn into such an intimate conversation (hance ive not posted on it for weeks) I just think it looks good, apparently other peopl do too, which makes me feel slightly better.
Well it will probably be one of the most advanced games created. So no suprise if it's good. I might prefer it to be on the Xbox2. If there are any good upgrades in the Xbox2 for games, it might be better for fable to get those upgrades for being on the Xbox2.

Cut down on the sugar.

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 11:24 pm
by Vadrieldur
Sorry to ruin your life Digitalchimp, but last I heard True Fantasy Live has been canceled. I heard a report a while ago, and if you check out the Xbox website the game has been removed from the game catalog. Tough break man.

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 6:37 pm
by JesterKing
ok i dont care what fable says, this one looks like the be all end all of rpg's, and i will stick with that until proven otherwise. im still as excited about it as a year ago, and fantasy live is ccneled!!!!!!!!!!!!????????? crap... aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!! ok well i can deal with that... i will survive!!! i probably couldnt afford xbox live anyways so its all good. and i agree, i wish i could be a very charismatic very handosme evil guy... i think it would be much more convincingly evil if i didnt have horns, if i have horns i will look like a cheap villian from a comic strip. But Peter Moloneaux is a brilliant game designer, and im pretty sure for a game this huge they have massive recources at their disposal. The xbox game system is pretty powerful, and I dont see any reason that, with the crazy amount of time they have had to produce it, that it wouldnt be an A+ game. I will stubbornly plough ahead thinking it will be great and give me somethign awesome to look forward to in the gaming world, which hasnt happened since age of mythology.

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 6:42 pm
by fable
ok i dont care what fable says, this one looks like the be all end all of rpg's, and i will stick with that until proven otherwise.

Believe as you will, which is just as you should. :) I've seen the great, the good, the bad and the ugly in roughly 25 years of computer gaming--and every single last one of them had multiple features that never appeared in the final release, and were easily the best game to ever be made. So I don't get my hopes up, and just wait for the release. If the game's great, I'm surprised and delighted, while if it's bad, I'm not disappointed in the slightest. Works best for me.

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 11:46 pm
by JesterKing
So I don't get my hopes up, and just wait for the release.

lol, even with thsoe as your gaming philosophies, would you think that fable has a higher than average potential to be a great game? i mean even if only half the hype and advertisements are true, then it would still be pretty nice...

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 12:49 am
by Xandax
[QUOTE=JesterKing]So I don't get my hopes up, and just wait for the release.

lol, even with thsoe as your gaming philosophies, would you think that fable has a higher than average potential to be a great game? i mean even if only half the hype and advertisements are true, then it would still be pretty nice...[/QUOTE]

Speaking from experience - don't believe hype :D

Potential is one thing - hype is another. And there are just as many games that have had great potential for only to end up, as a mediocre game, as well as there are games with magnificent screenshots - that also were only mediocre games (or bad). :D

I did the same thing with Neverwinter Nights - the game where *I* fell for the hype - and oh, man - I was disappointed when the game was released, and was nothing as the hype has suggested. That will never happen again from my side :)
Now I’m wary of to much hype, and generally see it as a bad thing :)

Heed Fables advice (on Fable :D ) well ..... Hype is bad and only works for the developers/publishers, and base opinions on cold hard facts (which can be hard when in production).

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 8:37 pm
by unregisturd
If it has a horse in it... It will be perfect.

Though I don't think it's going to. :( I'm just gonna have to buy Darkwatch or hope Morrowind adds some horses in the fourth one. Or I could get the Barbie game...


Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 7:45 pm
by Xa' Baer
any how

To get some real facts go to and go to the fable sections.
There LionHead members and beta testers post often and thats where
many facts leak from.