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Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 6:27 am
by Goon66
I need help my druid when she levels up to lvl 12 thought it says she gained special ability Dire Bear it is not there when i click the special ability button where all her other Wild shapes are. I even took the shambling mound feat when i reloaded to see if it would work but it doesnt appear either :( . I have recently remembered about shape shifting and i kinda wanna chek it out as right now my druid is bad melee but just when i want to i cant reach my newest ones elementals seem heaps kewl to turn into but if i dont get any wild shapes from now on i will never get there.
Does anyone know whats happened i am fairly sure i have downloaded the patch. Please reply even if you dont know how to help i want some proof this place is still alive.

BTW though it doesnt exactly help my druids name is felisen.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 12:52 pm
by vlam
Originally posted by Goon66

BTW though it doesnt exactly help my druids name is felisen.

Ah, I see, if you name anny druid 'felisen', it won't be able to shapechange :( :( . see the readme file for more info on that issue.

i haven't played a druid, so can't really help, soz

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 5:45 pm
by Mulligan
Re : wildshape

Hi there.

The Druids wildshape is/was bugged, and the first patch (i''ve only download one ver, last year) didnt fix this

The druids shape abilities show up at other levels than the manual states. Try levelling up again and i believe your abilities should appear.

Mulligan :)

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 10:01 pm
by Goon66
Re: Re : wildshape
Originally posted by Mulligan

Try levelling up again and i believe your abilities should appear.

Thanks for replying.

So are you saying that if a level up to level 13 my dire bear shape change will appear. Or that i should reload and try again. Because reloading doesnt work i have tried many times so im guessing you want me to level up to 13. tell me please if i am right/wrong
The druids shape abilities show up at other levels than the manual states.

The message window says that i have recieved Dire bear shape tho its not there and like i said though i took the feat shambling mound it didnt appear either. So if the manual jus wrote 12 instead of 13 shouldnt i have got the shambling mound ability since its a optional feat and shouldnt it not have said that i had recieved the dire feat shap change

BTW does anyone now a fast way to level up so i can test if i get the ability. Because dale keeper wont work as even if you change level your abilitys dont change as you can change them aswell manually using it.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2004 4:01 pm
by Mulligan
Re : Goon66

Hi again, Goon66

I also played a druid my first time and got her to lvl 9 before i noticed any problems.
I took extra wild shape feats like you and the icons were missing but the text window said that she had gained abilities. I got frustrated but didn't want to start over so i caried on. At lvl 9 i took Shambling Mound and i didn't get the icon for it, but at lvl 12 both the Shambling Mound and the Booring Beetle suddenly shoved up. Later on the same happened with all the Elemental forms, they shoved up later.

This is not a mistype in the manual, it's a BIG BUG ! (ugh!)

If you want to check if your Druid get's his stuff do this:

Make sure cheats are enabled in IWD2 configureation utility.

While in game hold down control and press the tab key to open the console
and enter in the following:


52BOOKAD How To Be An Adventurer-gives 10.000 xp
52HFBKAD How To Be An Adventurer (2nd Ed.)-gives 20.000 xp


you now have 10 books,or 100.000 xp to give your druid, use books as potions.

For a comlete list of items you can create visit:

Hope this helps you :) :) :)

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 3:20 am
by Goon66

I almosted started again thinking i had stuffed up my druid somehow. But when i got the books leveled up at lvl 14/15 i think i got both panther and dire bear. So i have now loaded back and continued playing.