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Unfinished Business 6 Now Available!

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2004 11:30 pm
by icelus
A lot of new stuff for this release, and a big thanks to Barren Fischa, SimDing0, Ghreyfain, Andyr, and David Gaider for their assistance!


-Thanks to the efforts of SimDing0 and Ghreyfain, the BodhiHunt component has returned
-Courtesy of David Gaider, the Bhaalspawn Powers component has been included (ToB only)
-SimDing0's Restored Hell Minions component, which should correct the final battle with restored scripts, creatures, and animations
-The Greyhand Encounter
-A minor dialog restorations involving Squire Cathras
-The restoration of several more names for generic characters


-The Miscellaneous Tweaks component has been broken down into several smaller components
-Added a new option for low INT/WIS players to summon the wrong Imoen instead of the wish just failing (Kalah component)
-Reputation is now increased if you free the Djinni or raise Kalah successfully
-Valygar's cabin will now be accessible at all times, but he will only appear if you have been given the quest to find him
-Suna Seni will no longer flee back to Athkatla only to be killed by rakshasas--her fate has been rewritten
-Cleaned up a few grammatical errors, and reworded a few lines
-Upgraded installation program to WeiDU 153


-Graphic corrections made to Kalah's genie lamp (thanks, Rassadihn!)
-Fixed a few lines that had not been traified
-Corrected the Boots of the West to be sellable and display the disease immunity icon
-Fixed an error that would cause the darkened Temple Ruins map to appear after the defeat of the Shade Lord when given the Illithium Quest
-Fixed a bug that prevented the Planar Sphere's feral halflings from speaking their lines
-Fixed a bug that kept an Illithium Quest journal entry from being erased
-Fixed a bug that allowed the player to attack and kill Bodhi in the Restored City Encounters component
-Fixed a bug that prevented the player to get the correct dialog from Lonk the Sane and free the inmates
-Fixed a bug with Aerie's interjection of Saemon's speech in Spellhold that would break the dialog
-Fixed a bug that prevented both Cowled Wizards from disappearing in the Minsc quest
-Fixed a bug in Valygar's dialog that, when force-talked, returned an invalid reply
-Fixed a bug in Gorje Hilldark's dialog that brought up an odd reference to a "drow pet" even if Viconia is not in the party


Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 2:44 pm
by UncleScratchy
What a great mod!!!!!!

Started playing UB last night with a clean install of SoA/ToB, the ToB patch, Baldurdash fixpak and Tashia mods. So far its been fantastic. Loved the Kalah storyline. Used my wish to become "anything I want" and the genie gave me a whole slew of shapechange abilities. Walked into the lich-in-the-walls' crypt and changed into an iron golem. His magic couldn't touch my golem form and I eventually beat him to death. I tried all the other dialog options as well but settled on this one and was very pleased with the outcome - especially with a new char.

I may have screwed up the Aulavo-Tiiro plot though as I killed both of them after their dialog. Now I'm not sure what was supposed to happen. Any know the spoilers?

The kidnapping of Boo was great. I really liked what Cliffette did with this subplot and dialog. I've not played with Minsc in my party for ages but this mod made him to hard to pass up. I was pleasantly surprised with the reward from the Cowelled wizards as well (normally I just gas the bunch to death but this is new and refreshing for me).

Is there anything to be done with the new scimitar+1? I gave it to Jahiera to use. Is there an evil bard in my future that I need to use it on?

That's as far as I've gotten. Kudos to the developers. I feel I owe them money for fixing all these busted plots and quests. To bad the original developers at Black Isle couldn't have done this years ago. Anyway - its here and it rocks.

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 8:11 pm
by Harbinger
Re: What a great mod!!!!!!
Originally posted by UncleScratchy
Is there anything to be done with the new scimitar+1? I gave it to Jahiera to use. Is there an evil bard in my future that I need to use it on?

*Possible Spoiler*

Well it comes in handy in the Harpers quests. As bards are the most represented class of the Harpers. :rolleyes:

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 1:09 am
by Sytze

You are right...this is one of the best mod's Ive seen. Kudos and thumbs up for Icelus and his crew :)

Originally posted by UncleScratchy
I may have screwed up the Aulavo-Tiiro plot though as I killed both of them after their dialog. Now I'm not sure what was supposed to happen. Any know the spoilers?

There are 2 options (well, since you killed them...3, I guess)

1= You dont get involved, or tell them there a bad influence on eachother. Nothing will happen then

2= You can keep them together. When this happens they start murdering/stealing in your name. When you find this out, you will lose reputation points.

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 6:45 am
by UncleScratchy
Re: spoilers
Originally posted by Sytze
2= You can keep them together. When this happens they start murdering/stealing in your name. When you find this out, you will lose reputation points.

Thanks. Even though I killed them both I still got that result when I went back into the inn. Thought maybe I missed something important. I actually went back into the inn to check out the two new gamblers they mentioned in the UB mod guide. Since I couldn't win at gambling and got the rep decrease I decided to reload and avoid the inn unless I need to lower my rep later on for some reason.

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 9:07 pm
by UncleScratchy
UB v6 has serious bugs

For those eager to try this mod you should be warned that there are still some serious bugs in it. The one that I keep seeing people complaining about is in the Asylum. After you finish the maze, meet Saemon for the second time (after you've won the fight with Irenicus and the assassins) if you decide to trust Saemon again he teleports out of the dungeon but doesn't take you with him as he's supposed to. That only leaves you the option of using Irenicus' key for the portal to the Underdark. Of course this means missing the Sahaugin City quests/loot. The regular exit to the asylum is magically warded. Even with using CLUAConsole to move my party outside the asylum you don't meet up with Saemon and can't get the rest of the quest to take you to Sahaugin City. This is only one of many bugs I've noticed so far but by far the most serious. I would advise anyone interested in this mod (and it has the potential to be a fantastic mod) is to wait until it's been thoroughly de-bugged.

EDIT: I went to the UB boards to see why I couldn't create Saemon and talk to him outside the asylum. I was probably using the wrong version of him. I replayed the fight with Irenicus and then tried this method which worked:

To work around this problem you can use CLUAConsole to move your party outside the asylum and again to put Saemon there so you can talk to him.

CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("AR1500") puts you just outside the asylum.

CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("PPSAEM2") will create the correct version of Saemon. Talk to him and hopefully the quest will be restored.

I was able to meet Saemon at the tavern in Brynnlaw after this and it worked smoothly. If he doesn't show up at the tavern though you will have to create him again but this time as PPSAEM3.

On a side note, those encounters with Bodhi in the asylum dungeon were a pain in the arse but really gave the quest a sense of danger and urgency. I loved them. It may be advisable to plan ahead and take a bunch of protection from undead scrolls with you. (I used the simulcrum tactic to preserve my scrolls for repeated uses). Though Bodhi appears a number of times with her minions you won't be able to kill her so just attack the minions. I wailed on Bodhi for about ten minutes once causing huge amounts of damage but she wouldn't evaporate. Normally her control circle should stay blue and only her minions circles will go red. If you do hit Bodhi she will turn red and then you will have a very powerful unkillable vampire to deal with.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 1:44 pm
by Luther
I have a problem with my current game but I'm not sure if it's because of the UB mod specifically or a conflict with another mod I have installed. The mods I have installed are mostly Weidu mods so I thought they were all compatible. The problem is when I go to Cromwell in the docks and ask him to look through my stuff for upgradeable items, I get a list of dialogue for the Minsc and Boo quest. At this point I have not done this quest so I'm not sure if there is a global variable flag that will fix itself after the quest is done. So at this point, I can't get Cromwell to create any of the standard SOA quest items for me. If any modders out there read this, please let me know if you know anything. Yes, I have more than a few mods installed so this is probably my own fault.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 6:30 pm
by icelus
Originally posted by Luther
I have a problem with my current game but I'm not sure if it's because of the UB mod specifically or a conflict with another mod I have installed. The mods I have installed are mostly Weidu mods so I thought they were all compatible. The problem is when I go to Cromwell in the docks and ask him to look through my stuff for upgradeable items, I get a list of dialogue for the Minsc and Boo quest. At this point I have not done this quest so I'm not sure if there is a global variable flag that will fix itself after the quest is done. So at this point, I can't get Cromwell to create any of the standard SOA quest items for me. If any modders out there read this, please let me know if you know anything. Yes, I have more than a few mods installed so this is probably my own fault.

Have you uninstalled and reinstalled many mods? A lot of times when you uninstall and reinstall mods on the same game installation it can mess up dialog strings in different places.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 7:07 pm
by Luther
Yeah I did. Some things didn't seem to work so I tried uninstalls. The thing about the Weidu installers, if you have other mods installed, they all get uninstalled when you make one change. I'm guessing a ton of other stuff will be messed up now. Oh well.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 7:20 pm
by Luther
Icelus, you're a champion modder, know any files I can replace to restore the Cromwell dialogue string back to normal? I'm looking to undo the damage I've done without restarting my game all over.

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 7:11 am
by icelus
Err... well, there's no easy way, really. You may have to uninstall and reinstall the game, but you'd still be able to use your saved game (just be sure to save your savegame folder).

Sorry. :(

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 11:53 am
by Luther
Hey no problem. I don't mind reinstalling the game again. I thought that my save game would inherit all the faulty dialogue etc. that may have been corrupted even if I reinstalled. So if I reinstall everything (mods and all) and then just load my save game, do you think everything will return back to normal? (or at least semi-normal)

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:04 pm
by icelus
It *should* be OK. All of the game's dialog is stored in the dialog.tlk file. All pieces of dialog are stored as individual strings, each with a value. For instance, "Short Sword +1" may have a value of #5478, and the files that control the item reference this number for the item's name. The same applies to dialogs, even the game engine itself.

If you have a mod NPC in your party, you may run into problems with them. Most of them, Kelsey, Chloe, and Tashia included, all have options to fix themselves (read the mod readmes for details).

Good luck!

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 11:26 am
by Luther
Thanks Icelus. I have the problem with Tashia's name but you jogged my memory about the fix. You have to talk to her and ask her name or something. I'll try that later. Thanks for all the help. I love extending BG with all these mods but they can be tricky to get just right. I downloaded Infinity Engine so maybe I'll try my hand at tweaking the files too. (gulp!) :eek: