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Ice Arnor

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 11:34 am
by lifeishell91
Ive heard of this 'Ice Armor', where can you get it? and Ive heard that you get these quests from some hunter guy in Solstheim...where is he?? :confused:

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 11:55 am
by thousandfrac
go look! solstheim isnt that big

ice armour is Stalhrim armour and you can get it from some nords in exchange for raw stalhrim. you'll need to do some of the East Empire Trading Company quests first.

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 12:01 pm
by dragon wench
What type of armor is it? Light, medium or heavy?

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 12:04 pm
by thousandfrac
i cant remember hah. i think its medium, but i could be wrong. you can get stalhrim weapons made as well, but theres a limited supply of the magic ice on the island. you need a special pick axe to get it too

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 2:17 pm
by Sir chris
its actualy a pretty good medium secound best if i can remeber after her hand i think is her hand medium? or mabey it was royal well thats if you have both expansions....

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 6:43 pm
by dragon wench
I may have to check this out. Though my present goal, once I have maxed in light armor, is to train up in unarmored and enchant various clothing items with combinations of CE sanctuary, shield, bound armor, fortify agility etc... Hence becoming practically weightless in terms of garments.. :cool:

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 5:37 am
by Digitalchimp
speaking of solstheim, ive gone to the wolf shaped rock, got in etc. but there is a corpse there, i have examined it and it says
"you do not have the right tools for this" what the hell are the right tools and where are they?

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 9:13 am
by dragon wench
I don't know anything about the tools, but if you go the the mage's guild in Ald Ruhn, just outside the door there is a guy who gives you a quest concerning the wolf-shaped rock.
I'm not too sure there is a relationship though, as I have not yet pursued it.

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 10:17 am
by Sojourner
Originally posted by Digitalchimp
speaking of solstheim, ive gone to the wolf shaped rock, got in etc. but there is a corpse there, i have examined it and it says
"you do not have the right tools for this" what the hell are the right tools and where are they?

That's stalhrim - you'll get the tools while doing the East Empire co. quests.