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Need a little help on Solstheim

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2004 5:56 pm
by Indianasmith
I'm doing the East Empire Co./Raven Rock mission (I've sided with Falco in the conflict over how to build the colony). He tells me that the miners have found a doorway of some sort deep in the mine and asks me to go talk to a Nord exile named Graring. I've done so, but Graring WON'T TALK TO ME! All he says is "We'll have no dealings with the likes of you - begone!" Of his three associates, two won't speak to me and the other has nothing to say that bears on the quest. How do I get this guy to communicate with me????
Also, how do I harvest the clear stuff that encases the skeletons in every tomb on Solstheim? Will a standard miner's pick do the job? I'm mainly a light armor guy, but I'd love to see some of that ice armor.
Last of all, a tip for folks just starting out on Bloodmoon (it's not a spoiler for the Main Quest). If you're helping Falco build Raven Rock, and he asks you whether a trader or Blacksmith would be a better addition to the colony, choose the trader! He has a daily renewable inventory of $10,000!
Thanks for the help, whoever can answer the above.

-- Indy

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 3:15 am
by Coot
There's a woman standing nearby, who is supposed to be attacking Graring & Co. Although she doesn't look or behave like one, she is an assassin. In your case - and mine - she got stuck or something. Just kill her and talk to Graring. Your second question will then be answered as well. :)

I chose the trader as well; did anyone choose smith? How rich is he and does he offer anything special?

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 5:02 am
by lifeishell91
I think you need a pick to get the magic ice on corpses! You can get a pick on the eggminers just south of the Odai River, south of Balmora. :)

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 3:20 pm
by Indianasmith
I don't think a regular pick will do it . . .

I took one off a Rickling I slew and went into a barrow and tried it. Nothing happened. I hate to kill the woman in question - she's the only one in that community that will speak to me at all, and she likes me! Also, I went down in the mine to see this entrance they'd supposedly found, and there was nothing there (yet). Thanks for the help.

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 3:29 am
by Coot
Other picks won't work, you need the one from Graring. Oh, and you can't pickpocket it from him.
The body in the mine is there, it's just very dark there, bring some light or cast Night-Eye.
Trust me, you'll have to kill the woman or you're stuck. I didn't like it either. It would've been nicer if she had been obnoxious or had been attacking the Nords - like she was supposed too.
It reminds me of another 'quest' in Raven Rock: Hjoldar the Strange. The only way you could get rid of this poor guy was beating him! At least you didn't have to kill him, but it felt like kicking that deranged homeless guy who lives in a box in the street!

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 7:03 pm
by Indianasmith
I must confess

I slugged it out with him for awhile and he just would not go away, so I whipped out Hopesfire on him . . . and his body vanished as soon as he fell. I have a creepy sensation he may be back later!