Mantle of Woe
Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 4:31 am
Mantle of Woe!~! PLEASE ANY IDEAS!~!~!~!~!~!~!
I found the Mantle of Woe in Solstheim!!
It has CE:
Drain Personality 100 pts
Weakness to Normal weapons 20%
Fortify Magicka 5.0x Intelligence
Sun Damage 20 pts
Fortify Conjuration 50 pts
To find the robe (must have Bloodmoon),
Go to the Skall village on the outer side of the village there is a well type thing and a trap door on it with a lock 100 pts. Go though and swim a little through the water until you can climb out search through the small cave and you will find a guy wearing it, kill him for the robe! Easy right?
If you cannot open the lock, you will have to go west of the Skall Village a search a little more for the cave (the caves name is Rimhull)
To get rid of the weakness to normal weapons and drain personality:
Use a spell of Resist Magika (can get that type of spell from the orc on Mages Guild in Balmora) 100% for 2 secs, and train you restoration to like 15 if its low using the same orc in Balmora. Unequip the robe, cast the spell and quickly equip the robe and it'll say, you resisted magika. You will resist the bad enchantments (except Sun Damage) forever until you unequip the robe again, in that case, just cast the spell again!
And I've heard of some kind of enchantment thingy that goes against Sun Damage, does anyone know where it is??
Personally, i think that if you are a magic using Vampire, this would be the most usefull thing ever because:
Loads of magika, I had 81 magika without the robe, and 465 with the robe!
High Conjuration skill.
You dont need Personality, everyone hates you anyway.
You can resist the Normal weapons described above, or use the Necromancers Amulet (on Trebonius in Vivec Mages Guild).
You already get Sun Damage so its not a big deal!
Any info on the resist Sun Damage thingy is wanted!
I found the Mantle of Woe in Solstheim!!
It has CE:
Drain Personality 100 pts
Weakness to Normal weapons 20%
Fortify Magicka 5.0x Intelligence
Sun Damage 20 pts
Fortify Conjuration 50 pts
To find the robe (must have Bloodmoon),
Go to the Skall village on the outer side of the village there is a well type thing and a trap door on it with a lock 100 pts. Go though and swim a little through the water until you can climb out search through the small cave and you will find a guy wearing it, kill him for the robe! Easy right?
If you cannot open the lock, you will have to go west of the Skall Village a search a little more for the cave (the caves name is Rimhull)
To get rid of the weakness to normal weapons and drain personality:
Use a spell of Resist Magika (can get that type of spell from the orc on Mages Guild in Balmora) 100% for 2 secs, and train you restoration to like 15 if its low using the same orc in Balmora. Unequip the robe, cast the spell and quickly equip the robe and it'll say, you resisted magika. You will resist the bad enchantments (except Sun Damage) forever until you unequip the robe again, in that case, just cast the spell again!
And I've heard of some kind of enchantment thingy that goes against Sun Damage, does anyone know where it is??
Personally, i think that if you are a magic using Vampire, this would be the most usefull thing ever because:
Loads of magika, I had 81 magika without the robe, and 465 with the robe!
High Conjuration skill.
You dont need Personality, everyone hates you anyway.
You can resist the Normal weapons described above, or use the Necromancers Amulet (on Trebonius in Vivec Mages Guild).
You already get Sun Damage so its not a big deal!
Any info on the resist Sun Damage thingy is wanted!