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Best over all fighting class

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2001 6:30 pm
by Xithias
I am stuck plz help me!

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2001 6:36 pm
by Xithias
On picking my class! :eek: :mad: :eek: :( :o :D :cool:

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2001 6:36 pm
by The fallen one
Well since playing the game through I would choose a undead hunter or a barbarian. I am playing a barbarian right now for the second time through. First time through I played a thief.

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2001 11:21 pm
by UserUnfriendly
The best and most satisfying class to play is......


(no surprises there, for anyone whose ready my posts....)

but as a fighting class, we have to ask, pure or multi or dual???

if you plan to dual that will profoundly affect the choice, and ssame for multi.

ow I have frequently expounded the fighter /cleric mult, and here are the reasons why....

you essentially have a kensai cleric with berserker strengths and no weaknesses....

if you do not have kevins patch installed, 5 armor of faith can make you invulnerable.

righteous magic is a long duration kai shot

and you can call on greater whirlwind for even more damage

chaotic commands, free action gives you all the protection of rage, with no penalties and draw on holy might gives you all the battle perks of enrage.

finally, 4 words...

crom feyr and FOA!!!

the druid fighter comes close, this is why jaheria is such a good tank, but is missing righteous magic...but you can get greater elemental transform and greater whirlwind is eveil incarnate. and the iron skin is nice, too...

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2001 12:26 am
by Lykwid
The monk is an awesome overall fighter , with very nice immunities and resistance, his fists do 1-20 and at the end of SoA he will have around -10 ac (depending on gear) , 4 attacks per round with a very good "to hit" there magic resist can hit 93 in SoA, pretty much immune and they walk real fast which i love. The downside is they dont get to use the cool weapons.


Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2001 2:36 am
by Bruce Lee
If you want low saves (and who doesn't) the multi is better than dual cause you can be dwarf or halfling or gnome.
Dwarven Berserker, dwarven barbarian or a paladin of some sort are all great tanks.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2001 6:19 am
by concluder1
It all depends on what you want as a premium fighter. Barbarians have huge amount of hit points due to rolling 12HD, Paladin kits are great because of the weapon and armors choices. I played thru as a cavalier, and a ranger. Both at high levels destroys about anything, just in different ways. My ranger would stealth up and kill just about anything before it knew it, and cavalier, with the best full plate and a great 2-hand sword can walk right up a smoke just about anything. Heck I started a new game with a swashbuckler, I currently in chapter 2 and she's a duel wielding, stealth using bad a$$.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2001 6:37 am
by Garcia
what class do you like? there are few classes that suck a little but otherwise just pick the class that you find most interesting and fitting for you. I promise that you wont end up with a total useless class no matter what you choose.

I have a weakness for great spells and magic so I choose a Sorc. I have tried all the classes and finished the SoA with most of them. if I have to take two classes out it will (IMHO) be the Sorc. and the Assassion. great and interresting classes and they kick as from the begining till the end.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2001 7:17 am
by Xyx
Have you considered the famed Ranger/Cleric or Fighter/Mage multis or duals? Those arguably tank even harder than straight Fighters or Barbarians.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2001 8:10 am
by HighLordDave
Are you soloing or playing a party?

If you're playing in a party, I'd play a ranger for the automatic dual-weilding proficiencies.

I never used the ranger's stealth much, but in the early stages of the game (SoA), Yoshimo works out well as your scout and after him Imoen can fill in, especially if you give her lots of stuff to increase her Hide in Shadows bonuses. Later in the game (ToB) stealth takes a back seat to brute force so the need for a thief becomes minimal.

If you want spell-casting power, there's plenty to be had in Edwin, Nalia, Aerie and Imoen, so I never felt the need to play the vaunted Kensai/mage character.

The beauty of BG2 is that your main character doesn't need to be powerful or great in all areas; that's what NPCs are for. If you want to play a sorcerer or monk (whose whoopass quotient at low levels is near-zero), that's fine because you will pick up fighters in Minsc, Keldorn, Korgan, Mazzy and Jahiera. If you want to play a fighter and not worry about spellcasting, go get Nalia or Edwin.

The one deficiency in NPCs, as our friend Aragorn points out, is in the thief category. Once Yoshimo leaves the party, you're stuck with Imoen (8th level), Nalia (4th level) or Jan (thief/illusionist). Jan is actually pretty good, but being a multi-class slows him down.

Ultimately there's no right or wrong choice, but if you want a kick-butt fighter, I'd stick with a ranger.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2001 8:19 am
by fable
Originally posted by Xithias:
<STRONG>I am stuck plz help me!</STRONG>
Oh, for the sake of the lowest, smelliest gods who never use deoderant and only bathe bi-monthly! Look, our forum does not work by begging. ;) If you have a question, state it (as you have) in your title (provided it does not include spoilers), then explain it at greater length in the body of your text.

But as regards *this* question, you have an excellent resource available to get more than two-hundred replies, instantaneously! Yep, that's what SEARCH will do. Just click on SEARCH, in the upper right portion of your screen, and type in "best class." This subject has been covered so frequently on the forum that you'll have access to pages and pages of excellent suggestions. :)

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2001 8:48 am
by Yuusuke
Best? What is best? Every class in the game has something to what the best class is really depends on what your definition of "best" is.

If "best" for you means having the highest ability to support your other characters, then I would probably go with the sorcerer, not having to rememorize spell rocks! But you also need some knowledge of what spells will most help you in the rest of the game. There are a number of Sorcerer strategies on the web.

If "best" means the ability to wipe the floor with the blood of your enemies and then some, really any of the melee classes are good, just make sure that War Hammer (Crom Faeyr) and Flail/Morning Star (Flail of Ages) are two of the abilities your character possesses.

If "best" means having alot mix of fighting and misc. ablities, I kind of like the Swashbuckler, arguably, the best straight fighter out of all the thief kits. Plus you get to control the amount and placement of the thief abilities, which is quite important in SoA.

Iv "best" means you'll have a fun time with the class, then really any of the classes are barrels of fun, really too bad you can't try more of them out at once.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2001 11:27 am
by Xyx
Originally posted by HighLordDave:
<STRONG>If you want spell-casting power, there's plenty to be had in Edwin, Nalia, Aerie and Imoen, so I never felt the need to play the vaunted Kensai/mage character.</STRONG>
Fighter/Mage combos are about more than saving a party slot by throwing two classes together. The funny thing is that they tank much better than a straight Fighter due to their support spells (Improved Haste, clones, Stoneskin, Mirror Image, Tenser's...). They're more effective that way than when you simply treat them as extra-tough Mages. ;)