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Multiclass -> Multiple Strongholds

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 2:18 am
by MagicMerlin
Ok, i searched the forum for it. Also found some things, but as the "newest" ist from 03.03. i thinks its a good idea to reask.

I want to start a Fighter/Mage/Thief

I saw i can get all the strongholds. Mostly i want it due to the experience one can get. ;-)

1.) What is the correct order in which things should be done ? Latest patch applied ! (or is it impossible with the patch?)

2.) Shall "Throne of Bhaal" be installed before starting new game, or after completing?

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 2:24 am
by Sytze
About the strongholds im not sure...

1) Correct order of installation=
Baldurs Gate SoA
SoA patch
Baldurs Gate ToB
ToB patch

The patches can be downloaded from the bioware site.

2) Installing ToB before you start a new game might be wise. But I dont think it is necesarry. In SoA there is an experience cap limit. But if you have ToB installed you can keep gaining experience, and thus levels and abilities.

Ohh....and welcome to the forums ;)

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 2:36 am
by MagicMerlin
Thanks for the fast answer.

Now i just only need to know more about the strongholds:

1.) Is any patch removing the possiblity of getting them for all three charakters ?

2.) What is the exact order of action ? (e.g. get thief quest - finish thief, get fighter quest - go on till xxx - pause - get mage quest, finish fighter, finish mage)

3.) If not possible due to patch - will a mod work (as i read somewhere here) ?

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 3:37 am
by Stilgar
I recommand installing ToB right away (before the new game) then you can visit watchers keep in SoA, and the exp-cap is removed.
Also the transition to ToB will go smoother.
If you install right away you don't have to isntall the SoA patch.

A multi-stronghold patch can be downloaded here

Might I recommand only playing a f/m/t with a maximum of 3single class NPC's (a f/m/t takes the exp from 3 classes)

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 6:41 am
by MagicMerlin
Well, guess i take that mod. This way there is no need to watch the order of anything.

Dont worry, i plan on doing a single-job. Just wonder how hard it will be without further backup. ;-)

Oh, one more thing.
Can i get e.g. Imoen later back, or is the connection lost when dismissed? (After that Rescue-Mission)

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 6:46 am
by Stilgar
Soloing a f/m/t is easyer then you think.
It has loads of chease options.

If you have ToB, download the HLA's for the f/m/t from the same site.

I'm not sure what you mean with thw imoen question.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 7:45 am
by MagicMerlin
Ók, here again.

Personally i see Imoen as a main-charakter that is "important" for the story.

When u get out of the first dungeon, she gets captured.
So the first task is to rescue here.
After that, i plan to dismiss here to get the most out of the exp.

Now i wonder, if she would stay e.g. at the inn, so that i can later come back and take here in the arms of the party again.

(I played BG2 once so i know a bit, just didnt finished it as i got into that outer-space mission [theater] when my party was way from beeing capable to deal with it)

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 7:59 am
by Stilgar
Yes, you can send imoen to the copper cornet and pick here up there later in the game.

I recommand finishing the game first before trying a solo character.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 11:59 am
by Thrain
it is possible to get two strongholds under the patch i believe.

you have to do the fighter stronghold first. once you're done and nalia offers it to you, take the option which says you are not ready for it yet.

then do the other quest (mage or thief) to get that particular stronghold before going back to nalia and accepting the keep. i would recommend the mage and fighter strongholds rather than the thief and fighter because they are both money making strongholds.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 2:39 pm
by Numinor
Originally posted by Thrain
it is possible to get two strongholds under the patch i believe.

you have to do the fighter stronghold first. once you're done and nalia offers it to you, take the option which says you are not ready for it yet.

then do the other quest (mage or thief) to get that particular stronghold before going back to nalia and accepting the keep. i would recommend the mage and fighter strongholds rather than the thief and fighter because they are both money making strongholds.

Though that is technically a bug, you are not supposed to have more than one stronghold.
You get whichever quest you do first, however the fighter and mage strongholds are bugged because they don't check if you already have a stronghold.
Another bug involving strongholds is that Cleric/Rangers can only acquire the Ranger's Cabin, but not the cleric's stronghold.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 11:38 pm
by MagicMerlin
Originally posted by Thrain
because they are both money making strongholds.

Guess the last thing i care with such games is mone, as it always with them, that u have plenty of it after some rather short time of playing. And i believe it wont be other with this one.

No no no, when i play it, i solo now. Dont know when i have enough spare time to play again.

Thanx for all those hints and tips !!

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 1:40 am
by Stilgar
To bad. Personally I think you get a better gaming experience playing with 5NPC´s than that you get when soloing.

Soloing is rather boring, you get realy powerfull, and fall back on alot of cheesetactics.
And i miss the dialoge from my party.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 9:48 am
by MagicMerlin
Originally posted by Stilgar
And i miss the dialoge from my party.

Thats the MAIN reason for going solo.
I just remembered the first time playing BG2.
Jahera is permanently moaning about her ex, and that braindead Minsc with his rodent is ... well, braindead. :D

Nah, that has been definately the most disturbing part of the game. I could have gone berserk when i had to klick through all those stupid text. Sure i wanted to give the "correct" answer that fitted my role - so i had to read everything and think about it.

I want to roleplay, not be a moderator for a (freak)show. :p


Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 9:56 am
by fable
Originally posted by Sytze
About the strongholds im not sure...

1) Correct order of installation=
Baldurs Gate SoA
SoA patch
Baldurs Gate ToB
ToB patch

Just a quick note: The latest official ToB patch includes fixes for both SoA and ToB. :)