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How can you tell what weapon has what enchantment?
Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 6:26 am
by Black_Paladin
In a recent post I made in a seperate thread, a person told me that it is not possible to see what enchantments some weapons have. As a result, how do you guys figure this out?
Most of you here know that the Mace of Disruption +2 really has an +5 enchantment but how do you know this?? Certainly the +2 next to the Mace of Disruption is not referring to the enchantment of the weapon in this case.
Furthermore, crossbows and bows are starting to give me a headache. In both cases, there is the weapon itself and the ammunation that goes with it. I read many posts that say that the sling of everard produces +5 bullets (it requires no ammunition) and YET if you use bullets with it, it performs better. I don't get it. So, if you don't use bullets with it, it is a +5 weapon and if you use bullets with it, how is it any better? Obviously, it doesn't become an +6 weapon by using bullets with it so what happens there??
Same with the Tasheron bow. It has phantom arrows (which are +3 if I remember right) but you can use real arrows and I read in several places that the bonuses stack. Is this true?
What about the Giant hair crossbow? It says +3 next to its name and it gives +3 to thaco and yet the missile damage says +5. Is this a +5 weapon in reality then???
I am so confused with all this crap.

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 6:46 am
by lompo
Regarding missile weapons: the enchantmets you read to the bow/xbows/sling are bonus to your Tach0 and damage, but because you are really hitting with the bullets you throws, are the enchantments of those that determine what you can hit, althogh the bonus of Thac0 and dmg stack; the exceptions are the weapon that don't require bullets; those weapon create their own magical bullets and their enchantments are those of the weapon: Tansheron +3, Gesen +4, sling of Everard +5, Firetooth +5 (fire dmg); with these weapons you don't need bullets, but if you equipe bullets (in my knowledge) you throw both (but only the magical created gets the enchantments bonus of the weapon): so if you equipe a fire arrow with Tansheron you will fire a magical arrow (+3) and a fire arrow.
Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 6:58 am
by Numinor
Hey, I think this is the first time I'm quoting myself
I made a list of all weapons with a higher anchantment than +3 in a thread some time before (including those with 'hidden' enchantment) :
Weapons in SoA with an enchantment higer than +3 are:
* Boneblade +4 (Dagger)
* Dragon's Breath +4 (Halberd)
* Blackmist +4 (Halberd)
* The Wave +4 (Halberd)
* Warhammer +1, +4 vs. Giantkin (can hit creatures immune to +3 weapons, no matter if they are considered giantkin or not)
* Crom Faeyr +5 (Warhammer)
* Mace of Disruption +2 (Mace, counts as a +5 weapon)
* Cutthroat +4 (Short Sword)
* Spear of Withering +4 (Spear)
* Rynn's Staff +4 (Stave)
* Staff of the Woodlands +4 (Stave)
* Staff of the Magi +5 (Stave)
* Carsomyr +5 (Two Handed Sword)
* Flametongue (Longsword, counts as a +4 weapon)
* Warbalde +4 (Two Handed Sword)
* Defender +5 (Scimitar, Drizzt's sword)
* Soulreaver +4 (Two Handed Sword)
* Unholy Reaver +5 (Two Handed Sword, drops from Githyanki group that attacks you when returning from the Underdark, but is removed by either a patch or the Baldurdash Fixpack)
If you are using ammunition in a ranged weapon that creates ammo itself the damage seems to be added up. The downside is that the enchantment of the ammunition counts when determing what you can hit or can't hit, and not the enchantment of the weapon. Though you may be dealing more damage with Sling of Everard and bullets +2, you can't hit Kangaxx with it while you could hit him with just the sling and it's 'self-created' bullets.
Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 1:59 pm
by Black_Paladin
Numinor, thanks for the list! I got ToB installed as well so are there any weapons with hidden enchantments in ToB as well?
Originally posted by Numinor
If you are using ammunition in a ranged weapon that creates ammo itself the damage seems to be added up. The downside is that the enchantment of the ammunition counts when determing what you can hit or can't hit, and not the enchantment of the weapon. Though you may be dealing more damage with Sling of Everard and bullets +2, you can't hit Kangaxx with it while you could hit him with just the sling and it's 'self-created' bullets.
Hmmm, this makes sense now, especially with the good example you gave (can't hit Kangaxx with equipped bullets) altough I think there would be an exception to this using +4 bullets, don't you think? I found a very tiny amount of +4 bullets in Watcher's Keep and they should be able to hit Kangaxx AND add to the damage of Everard, right?
I am thinking about going Lich hunting soon....
What about the Giant Hair Crossbow though? Ragarding Lompo's question, for the weapons that DO need ammunition, if the enchantment of the bullets/arrows/bolts are what matters, then you will always want to equip these with at least +2 stufff to be able to hit most tough enemies right? I mean the Giant Hair Crossbow gives +3 to Thac0 and +5 to damage (not bad I think) but it has no enchantments (none). So, if you use normal bolts with it, enemies that can only be hit by 1+ or more weapons won't take any damage from it then, correct?
Finally, what is the balance here? With +2 bullets/bolts/arrows, can I hit most enemies in the game? I am asking this because I would rather give more damage with regular bullets then carry a +4 or +5 self ammo producing weapon with no ammo just in the case that an enemy might require it. What I mean is that I might be able to hit everything with my Sling of Everard without bullets but what is the percentage of enemies I can hit with it USING bullets?
Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 2:06 pm
by Black_Paladin
Will the weapons that give elemental damages always hit no matter what enchantment they have? For instance, while my FoA is only +3, if I try to hit Kangaxx with it, will the extra elemental damages get through? Similarly, with the heavy crossbow of searing, while with normal bolts I couldn't touch Kangaxx, would I still be causing the +2 fire damage neverthless? Tthis is assuming that what you are hitting isn't immune to that type of elemental damage of course. I think Kangaxx is immune to cold, fire and electricity, isn't he?. What about acid and poison though? Will acid arrows damage him? What about "biting" stuff (these give poison damage, right?) ?
Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 2:34 pm
by Numinor
If an enemy is immune to a certain enchantment level he is completely immune to it, including elemental damage and other effects. You can hit most enemies with +2 weapons, exceptions are for example most demons (you'll need at least a +3 wepaon for them), though there is no general rule for that.
All I can tell you is that you are o.k. with +2 enchnatments for most of the game, with some exceptions you'll notice soon enough (when the game says 'weapon ineffective'

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 2:58 pm
by Black_Paladin
OK, thanks.
It is going to be Firetooth +4 , Sling of Everard without bullets and Celestial Fury +5 against him then.
I am next to his tomb right now. Let's see what happens!!