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Baladas Demnevanni

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:38 pm
by dragon wench
I need to find Baladas in order to make it to 'Mouth' status in House Telvanni. Apparently he is in Arvs - Drelan northwest of Gnisis (or at the northwest edge of town depending on who you speak to) in a 'Velothi tower'

Well I came across what seems to be an abandonned, Redoran-style building called "Arvs-Dren" in the general northwest section of Gnisis and I have explored extensively... but no Baladas. Am I looking in the right place or should I be trying to find some kind of tower just outside of town?

Cheers ! :)

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 1:09 pm
by Gwalchmai
I may not be remembering correctly, but it sounds like you're in the right place. Isn't he the guy in the top room (with the Sphere Centurion that just sits there)? You have to ask him three questions in another quest, and to become mouth you have to convince him to re-join the Telvanni. Maybe you had an NPC-placement glitch....

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 1:24 pm
by dragon wench
Hmmm... I haven't seen a sphere centurion either.. Maybe I have missed something... :confused:

Or it it could be a glitch, in which case I'll need to console him in. :rolleyes:

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 1:54 pm
by lifeishell91
I know...

Well, You are in the right place what you do is this if my memory is right...

*walk in and go up the small ramp,

*go to the left and you will swerve round the building,

!~!dont go into that hallway that in the middle of the building!~!,

*If you went with the swerve you will eventually go up,

*unlock the 50pt lock,

*go through and up the stairs, theres Baladas!

hope this helps! :D

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 2:34 pm
by dragon wench
Thanks guys! I'll check that out when I resume my game :)

I think that was my mistake, I went into the circular hallway... :rolleyes: , and I don't think I checked around me before going straight ahead :o

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 6:33 pm
by UncleScratchy
!~!dont go into that hallway that in the middle of the building!~!,
Why not? There's some good loot in those rooms plus the key to Beladas' chamber. There isn't much guarding them and I've never been penalized for looting those rooms.

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 10:45 am
by dragon wench
I found Baladas! Thanks for the help! :cool: I really need to look harder sometimes... :rolleyes: :o
Why not? There's some good loot in those rooms plus the key to Beladas' chamber. There isn't much guarding them and I've never been penalized for looting those rooms.
I was actually thinking it might not be bad base for storage and sleeping in the northwest quadrant of the island. It has tons of space, plenty of beds in which you are permitted to sleep, and it is on the Silt Strider route.