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I need help! Please.
Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 8:34 pm
by unregisturd
Ok, so after a battle, I looked at my stats menu and my Heavy Armor, Medium Armor, Light Armor, Unarmored, and *possibly* Alchemy (don't remember exactly) were dark gray and at 0. My unarmored was at 100, and my heavy armor was at 70 something. What happened? And how do I get it off?
AIM screen name: unregisturd
Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 9:02 am
by Loredweller
What's your platform - pc or xbox? Altogether anyway it seems just to be a a rare bug. Technically it's possible to damage or drain a skill, the spells are there, nonetheless i have never met a monster or NPC with so wide range of target skill types (actually none damaging most of skills you've named). I hope you just have a save before the fight, because, even you are on pc, console may just be unable to make the circumstances right.