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Is my weapon powerful enough?
Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 1:25 pm
by Dark Master
It was originally the standard glass staff, but I just enchanted it with 18-20 pts fire damage when strikes. How far into the main quest do you think I could go with this weapon? Can I get away with upgrading it or will it eventually have to be replaced, and if so with what?
Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 2:33 pm
by Jiub
Unfortunately the most powerful weapons in the game are long swords, you probably could use your staff to the end of the main quest but if i were you i would look for a new one, maybe an ebony one.
Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 4:59 pm
by Dark Master
Yeah, I know that longswords are the best weapons (with the exception of Keening and Sunder), but I decided right from the start that my character would not touch swords unless he was out antiquing. I've now got an ebony staff, as well as an Ebony Mace, with a drain fatigue enchantment picked up when annihalating the Redoran's at Bal Isra eairlier today.
I know that there's a Deadric staff somewhere, and I may go hunting for it later on, but for now this Mace seems to be doing the trick.
I'm not entirely comfortable with the Mace though, since it doesn't seem right for a Soccerer type character as mine is. He's an old Breton man, and I'd feel more 'in character' with a staff. Just more wizardy. Maybe I've been watching too much of Gandalf in Lord of the Rings, still he can handle a sword.
The Deadric staff is the best staff isn't it? If so how many enchantment points will it have? How should I enchant it?
Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 5:26 pm
by unregisturd
Dwarf Weaponry
I've had my Dwarven Claymore throughout most of my game, and it seems pretty good to me. Lots of other weapons I've used were either too heavy, or too cheap. (As in glass weapons, which break after about one battle with a rat.) My claymore is pretty heavy, but not as heavy as Deadric weapons, and it's pretty tough. I only have to repair it once in every great while. This way I don't have to carry around a bunch of weapons. My longsword skill is at 120, so now I'm just using spells. But weapons I would recommend staying away from: light and cheap. Such as glass, or steel, or Chitin. My Ebony sword didn't even seem that great when I used it, but perhaps I'm remembering incorrectly... Anyways, good luck. And just have fun with the game.
Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 7:13 pm
by Twoback23
Well, I weild a Daedric Dai-Katana with all of my Sword oriented characters.. Yes it packs a crap load of damage, but it is somewhat heavy but i can deal with it. As for the original question of this post i would say NOPE and i would look for a Daedric Staff and enchant it with Drain Life... I think that would do the trick... i would try to stay away from one element such as fire because obv. of resist. etc. Have fun
Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 6:41 pm
by thousandfrac
daedric staff may do more damage, but it has not got the enchant capacity of the ebony staff. ebony staff holds 70 i believe, enough to make a horrible magic super weapon
Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 2:22 am
by Kingslake
Absolutely agree with what Thousandfrac says, an ebony staff will hold much more enchantment, and once enchanted is an uber-weapon. Overpowerful actually, if you want it.
Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:23 am
by lifeishell91
Ebony can hold 90, and I think Daedric can hold about 10.
Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 8:52 am
by Loredweller
In fact it's actually not so important how powerful the weapon is, the real power is in PC. The weapon just has to be of decent quality and suitable enchantment, thats all. So my swordsman PCs usually are going through 3/4 of game (Bloodmoon part exluding) with just steel katanas - because i want them to develop the longsword skill, and the number of hits is what really counts. In case of mages, when the staff is mostly the backup weapon, it might be different, of course.
Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 10:54 am
by Dark Master
Based on what's been offered here I've started a campaign to hunt down golden saints and acended sleepers for the enchanting of my Ebony staff, although I'm still looking out for an Ebony Mace, only problem is I'm not as rich as I'd like to be (about 15 thousand right now)
Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 11:30 am
by demo27
my favorite weapon is mace of aevar have huge base damge
Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 11:34 am
by Dark Master
During my journeys I've come across a glass flamesword and through selling of things to the trader at Raven Rock and quests for Falco, I've gained enough gold to train myself up to 60 in Long blade (I'm not sure but is the guy in Ald'ruhn fighters guild the Long Blade master trainer? If he is I stubled on him by accident. I still have enough left over (2000) for anything I might need, such as travel expenses and/or bribery.
Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2004 6:33 am
by Loredweller
Originally posted by Dark Master
Based on what's been offered here I've started a campaign to hunt down golden saints and acended sleepers for the enchanting of my Ebony staff, although I'm still looking out for an Ebony Mace, only problem is I'm not as rich as I'd like to be (about 15 thousand right now)
Just chose a dungeon mostly populted with Daedras (the tomb near Caldera is one of the best). Hunt here going in and out (disposing corpses), eventualy there is bound to be a Dremora or Dremora Lord with weapon you want - if your level is high enough, of course, altogether i guess that about 15 would be enough for ebony mace. First they have Dreugh and Dwarven, then Ebony start popping up, and at last Daedric. For Glass you are going to have to wait Golden Saints, Daedras and Daedra Lords never use the Glass.
I ever cannot remember when i last time bought weapon other as Silver or Steel