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Incredible fun in 13 steps

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 5:08 pm
by Dark Master
Somebody else already posted this I think but it wasn't a specific thread, and I can't find it anymore. Anyway, after seeing thier post I decided to try it...

1. Buy a levitate spell
2. Buy a dispell spell
3. Go to a spell maker
4. Get a ranged spell for both (for added fun make it have an area effect)
5. Get a bog standard destruction spell with blast radius.
6. Head to Vivec
7. Outside on the top level of the Cantons levitate yourself with the first levitate spell.
8. Move up a bit.
9. Shoot an ordinator with your destruction spell (if you get more than one so much the better)
10. Fire your levitate spell at him/her/them.
11. They will fly up towards you. Lure them out until you are over some solid ground and quite high up.
12. Cast dispel on them.
13. Wave goodbye.

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 7:21 pm
by Twoback23
DUDE that sounds so hilarious... I would try it but im kinda lazy haha