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Kangaxx and Mods

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:56 am
by araknid70
Just fought Kangaxx, with mods installed (BP, item upgrade) - and found something totally weird. When I attacked him for the first time he cast teleport field and just screwed all my battle plans up. So i had to exit and come back again to remove the field... which he promptly cast again. Did this several times... finally he stopped casting the field, and i sent Korgan with Celestial Fury +5 (sorry, I know its quite cheese) enraged, of course. He then cast gate spells, and I thought, crap, things aren't going to be easy. Guess what came out of the gates? RATS. Kangaxx gated three rats into the map, which were blue and didn't even attack. Bug or Egg? Dunno.

Just a point to make... Celestial Fury +5 is without doubt the most cheapo weapon to use on Kangaxx. His saves versus the stun are just pathetic, so Kangaxx gets stunned ALL the time.... I just sent Korgan (enraged the first time) to chop him, and didn't even have to enrage any further times. So anyone who's installed the item-upgrades pack should be warned that one of the most difficult enemies in BG2 got turned into a dud by a simple mod.

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 4:39 pm
by VoBo
Hmm... That is weird... I have actually never heard anything that weird in BG2 history... Was Kangaxx Demilich or just in his normal lich form?

My only problem when I faught Kangaxx with my Berzerker lvl 20 was that he got afraid and ran away all the time... I used simalacrium with the helm (cant remember the name) and bought staff of rynn... Hit him to near death, he then got afraid and and ran away... man that skull is fast! he then got Uninjured, stopped panicking and we repeated the prosces about 5 times until my Prot from magic dissapeared and I was screwed... Had to Play it over and over again...

Maybe the rats were some kind of "uber" demons none have ever heard of becouse everyone that have ever met them have died?

Probobly the mod just screwed bg2 up or the maker of the mod just wanted to have some fun... Cant think of anything else that may have done this to Kangaxx...

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2004 4:09 am
by Black_Paladin
Originally posted by araknid70 Just a point to make... Celestial Fury +5 is without doubt the most cheapo weapon to use on Kangaxx. His saves versus the stun are just pathetic, so Kangaxx gets stunned ALL the time.... I just sent Korgan (enraged the first time) to chop him, and didn't even have to enrage any further times. So anyone who's installed the item-upgrades pack should be warned that one of the most difficult enemies in BG2 got turned into a dud by a simple mod.

Actually, I believe that Celestial Fury +5 is *THE* most powerful item ever to be created in a mod, period. You think that this weapon is only good for Kangaxx? It has the same effect on all other demi-liches (well the only other one, I'm sure you know which one) and ALL other enemies as well. My Kensai is getting 4.5 attacks with this weapon in his main hand (he has grandmastery in katanas) and I have yet to see anything that doesn't get stunned after a few swings.

I just love this weapon but it is so powerful that I feel guilty using it. I think it should have been designed so that Cromwell couldn't upgrade this weapon (leave it ONLY for Caspenar). That way, you could only use it going through TOB and that would probably be fair. Even then, if you have a character like me getting 4.5 attacks per round with this weapon, you are almost guaranteed to stun something every round and then chop them to pieces with this weapon. And the possibility of EXTRA electrical damage. And think of the criticals!!!! :eek: :eek: OMG, OMG, OMG!!! :D

EDIT: Oh, I forgot to mention using improved haste or greater whirlwind with Celestial Fury. With improved haste, my Kensai is able to take on unkillable characters in the game and leave them in a permamently stunned position (as long as he keeps pounding on them of course). :D