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Need Help!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2004 11:57 pm
by jnicklo
Hey all, my 2nd time going through the game (in a span of 6 months).

This time around I am playing a Male Soldier and have gone all the way light side.

I'm about 80% done w/ the game with just Korriban, Unknown and the Star Forge left.

Although I have some unfinished business....

- Carth's Son
- Mission's Brother
- Sulry's Trial on Manaan
- Hulas on Manaan

Also is there any quest for Canderous????

I'd like to complete the Carth & Missions quests but I have not been approached by anyone regarding these quests. Is it possible that I've screwed myself over by not having them in my party when I went to Dantooine? Or is there still a chance to do these before the game ends even so Dantooine already has been destroyed?


How do i get all of these special lightsaber crystals from the little Rodian guy on Yavin???? I've been to him 3 times i believe and have already encountared the two Trandosheans (did not fight, the only fled and said they'd be back). I returned but no ambush like I've been told would happen.

Thank You for your help in advanced.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 12:48 am
by Noober
If an NPC required to get a quest does not appear then leave the planet and return with the required party members and they should appear. I doubt that you can do Mission's quest after the Leviathan as you are meant meet Lena on Dantooine.

I not sure if there is a quest for Canderous. I think that the log entry is just about his conversations.

To get the special crystals you have to wait till after the Leviathan to get them. You must have gotten 3 star maps (excluding Dantooine) to trigger the last scene with the Trandoshans (sp?).

Please give a warning when posting spoilers.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 1:19 am
by Armisael
Canderous does have a quest. A Mandalorian called Jagi will approach you after you've talked with Canderous enough.

You don't have to meet Lena on Dantooine. She can approach you on any planet, and the same applies to all the other people who initiate those quests. I've heard that you can't initiate the quests on the planet on which they take place, but I've initiated the quest with Bastilla's mother a couple of times on Tatooine now, so I'm not sure about that.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 2:16 am
by Noober
How do you get Canderous to talk more? I can never talk to him again after the first conversation, even after getting all the star maps.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 2:33 am
by Armisael
Just... I dunno... talk to him. Works for me. You do know you don't have to wait for the "x looks pensive, maybe you should talk to him/her" prompter to talk to your party members, yes?

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 3:20 am
by Noober
Maybe it's because I rarely put him in my party? I just talk to him whenever I get back to the Ebon Hawk.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 7:43 am
by fable
You need to have him in your party, off the ship, for his quest to occur. The same applies to all the other party NPCs, as well. This doesn't mean he has to complete any quests with you. Just walk him, or any of the other, around for a bit, visiting a couple of areas. That should be sufficient.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 8:15 am
by jnicklo
Gonna give that a try.

But as for Yavin....

Already got 4 star maps (Dantooine included) and already did the Leviathan. Went to Trandosheans, no lightsaber crystals.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 8:43 am
by fable
Did you go to Yavin three times?

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 12:15 pm
Okay if you don't know how to get people to talk to you then usually when you go to the quest screen and like you put it over Jolee for example it will say maybe after you gain more experience he will want to talk to you. So usually after you've gained a level they should talk to you even Canderous. Or sometimes what works is to go off the Ebon Hawk and then come back on and then they will talk to you. And if your wondering if you can still trigger all the quests before the star forge it can be done I did Juhani and Canderous's side quests after I had gotten all 4 star maps.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 12:32 pm
by Lethal
i got 4 star maps....
missing koriban...

is jolee side quest the murder trial on manaan?

i talked to canderous alot.... on planet is his side quest?

what's juhani side quest? what planet?

does HK have a side quest?

T3 ???

Zaalbar's side quest was the Bacca blade quest, right?

as for the yavin crystal thing... u need to have all 5 starmaps... and u have to go to yavin 2 times before your 5th starmap...
after 5 starmaps and 2 visits, go back, fight hte bad guys, and then you will be able to purchase de crystals... i m not there et, but that's what is written in te walkthrough

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 12:46 pm
When I said 4 I meant the planets after Dantooine I never think of Dantooine as one of the star map planets so I meant 5 when I said 4 sorry. Yes, Jolee's side quest is Sunry's murder trial. (spoiler if you don't want to know about the side quests)

Well once you've talked to Canderous about to where he starts working for Davik then when you leave the Ebon Hawk with Canderous a man from his old Mandalorian Clan will come up to you I can't remember his name anyways and he will be like bla bla bla meet me in the Dune Sea of Tatooine to test your honor bla bla bla mandalorian clans will be there bla bla bla. So you go meet the guy in the Dune Sea. Ok umm Juhani's side quest is you need to talk to her about her slavery and once your past the slavery when you come off the ebon hawk with Juhani a guy named Xor will approach you drunk and he'll start talking to you and Juhani and he will insult Juhani bla bla bla cather hound bla bla bla ya da ya da ya da k and then Juhani figures out it was her old slaver and he asks you if yoiur selling Juhani and then you say no bla bla bla. Then he says I'll get you when your least expecting it next time or something like that(sorry about all these blas I had to fill in the gaps I didn't want to type :) ) So what happened with me was I got both of those on Manaan but I'm sure you can get them on any other planet then I went to Tatooine and did Canderous's side quest and then I went to Korriban and when I got off the Ebon Hawk with Juhani, Xor along with 2 Rodian Thugs attacked us. Then you can figure it out from there. There is no HK-47 quest besides restoring his memory but to do that you have to have a high repair skill. There is no T3 quest. Yes, Zaalbar's quest is Bacca's Blade. I can't answer your questions about Yavin's Station because I play X-box version, but I think if you were to read the walkthrough more thoroughly you would understand it.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 4:08 pm
by jnicklo
Yeah Im gonna try it all out tonight.

I've got it on Xbox too ;) Although I downloaded the Yavin content from Xbox Live :)

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 7:47 pm
Oh, I didn't know you could download Yavin Station from X-box Live. That's cool! Will you tell me how to do it because I've always wanted to have Yavin Station on my game so I can get Heart of the Guardian and Mantle of the Force.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 10:00 pm
by jnicklo
Originally posted by AVENGER
Oh, I didn't know you could download Yavin Station from X-box Live. That's cool! Will you tell me how to do it because I've always wanted to have Yavin Station on my game so I can get Heart of the Guardian and Mantle of the Force.

Go buy Xbox live........

In the game, go to Options

hit "Download Content"

and then follow the instructions. Very simple

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 9:45 am
by Lethal
do u need to be on a specific planet to trigger juhanis or canderous side quest???

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 10:27 am
No. Just what I would advise is when you go to a planet and get off the ebon hawk just walk around by the ebon hawk, but there is usually a certain point on every planet that triggers a person to come out like Xor for Juhani and the mandalorian dude foor canderous. If nobody ever comes out you probably haven't talked enough to them about it.

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 1:04 pm
by fullcollapse331
A good place to trigger party member sidequests is in Manaan, at the door next to the Selkath merchant near the hangar. It worked for me every time with Juhani and Canderous.

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 3:56 pm
Ya that's where I got Canderous and Juhani to lol. They're hard to get otherwise it was so funny one time I had multiple sidequest ppl coming up to me so they were like in a line.

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 3:55 pm
by fullcollapse331
Same thing happened to me on Korriban. I just wanted to get back onto the Ebon Hawk to get something, but sidequest after sidequest kept triggering, and even though I wanted to trigger those sidequests, I didn't want to do it while I was in the middle of something. But it was pretty funny cuz I had like 4 or 5 missions triggered in a row