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8 companions?

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8 companions?

Post by Soddy »

Hi! I've just started a game on ToB, and I think I remember that there was a mod that would let you have eight companions in your party?
I've been searching on this forum quite a lot after the mod, but I just can't seem to find it. Does anyone know where I could download this mod?
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Post by fable »

Never heard of that. Eight party NPCs? The interface itself would have to be recoded, unless two weren't shown on the bottom of the screen, or shown only when hit a certain key.
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Post by krunchyfrogg »

I've never heard of such a mod, either. But it does look like there's room for a 6th NPC (7th character) at the bottom of the screen.
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Post by araknid70 »

actually there's not supposed to be any space. There appears to be only because you're running at high resolution. At 640 by 480 the six portraits occupy the entire party bar.
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

company of eight from check the bodies...

when you assault the lair of the (deleted) you get 8 extra members green circle for the quest can controll them, but they are not members of party...sorta like a lot of summons..

its not actually a good idea...moving them thru a dungeon is a pain in the butt..its actually easier to leave them behind and attack with a solo buffed fighter... :p
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