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Class special abilities question

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 2:36 pm
by Lord Nyax
Okay, I am a relatively expirienced player, with at least 10 times through the game, but, if you can believe it, all 10 were with a soldier dualed to some jedi. So here is my question. Lets take a hypothetical Scoundral, which we play through taris with until level 6. Then we stop leveling, so as to have a better jedi. If you do this, will the scoundral continue to get sneak attacks?

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 3:49 pm
No once you have become a jedi you that's all the sneak attacks you get, but I'm generally a scoundrel usually in my game play because he's all around good at stuff and he gets lots of points to put towards skills and I wouldn't just lvl up to 6 because you don't actually start getting good feats till like 6,7,8 so I always go to lvl 8 to get sneak attack IV, improved scoundrel's luck and sometimes I have master critical strike by then.

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 6:02 pm
by Lord Nyax
@#%$!^#**%($ it!!!!!

Awwww. Come on! Thats not fair! I guess that really makes Scoundral and Scout relatively inferior to the Soldier because they have level relative abilities and the soldier doesn't. But that's a dissapointment. #*@&$((#&$$)@#(&*$ again!!!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 4:07 pm
Re: @#%$!^#**%($ it!!!!!
Originally posted by Lord Nyax
I guess that really makes Scoundral and Scout relatively inferior to the Soldier

They are definitely not inferior I would rather have a scoundrel then a soldier. Mainly because the only thing a soldier concentrates on is fighting. And the only points you get you usually put them towards treat injury or awareness. But the scoundrel get lots of skill points I don't remember how many, but I think he get 30 so he can pick locks, persuade, use computers, treat injury, repair, and whatever else their is while the soldier is definitely limited, but I'm not saying the soldier doesn't have his advantages.

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 9:31 pm
by Lethal
mm... many characters have good skills... i dont find skills important in this game.. jsut think of T3, Jolee or Mission

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 1:24 pm
by Lord Nyax
Sorry... I'll rephrase

Sorry. What I meant when I said that the other classes were inferior is that to really get the most out of them, you must take them to relatively high levels. I personally like to have a good jedi and a bad starting class, but I am losing that preferece really fast. I am really dissapointed that the starting class skills don't get to proceed to full level. I'm not sure it's a bad idea though. Can you imagine a level 17/3 scoundral-guardian? Probably not that good.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 4:41 pm
by Lethal
yup i agree..

dont think u can go higher than lvl8 of ur main class.
not enough experience on taris

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 5:10 pm
Actually on my first game I believe I got to lvl 9 as a scoundrel. I don't mind not going higher than lvl 8 though I mean that's far enough to get the most out of your main class.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 5:17 pm
by Lethal
ya, ill prolly stop my scout at lvl4.. save my feats for implants and others,...

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 5:26 pm
I'll haveto try stopping at lvl4 next game because I always go to lvl8, but I haven't really had time to play lately so I haven't tried stopping at 4 yet. Is it really helpful?