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What to do with the Childs Top?
Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 3:46 am
by DragonRogue
i found a childs top toy in creator race ruins chapter 3. what do you do with it?
Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 6:24 am
by Xandax
I don't belive I've found any use for it myself. (I think - can't remember anywho
So my guess it is either a left over item from an un-finished/implemented quest, a "joke" of sorts - or just an item to make you wonder if there is anything special about it....
Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 7:26 am
by rhe777
Childs top**spoiler.....sort of**
I too saw the childs top and it looked like a Dreidel to me (that's used in a game played during Hanukkah). The letters on it basically say that "A Miracle Happened Here." With this information, I tried to look around to find anything that might link this with a quest or treasure...nothing yet
Maybe one of the programers is Jewish? Just a thought.
However, I have not found a use for it but I am looking because I am curious