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Projectile weapon enchantment

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 12:58 pm
by baileyatbrats
I'm still trying to amass enough capital to afford some good enchantments, but I have a weapon that I think would serve well once enchanted.

It's a dwemer cross bow that I found in some ruins back East.
One bolt fells a cliff racer from a good distance. (somewhat disconcerting actually)
Anyway, if I enchant the cross bow itself, can I use a spell from the destruction school, or would that anchantment have to be on the bolts?
(i.e. can I make it a cross bow of fire, so that is makes those annoying cliff racers explode when hit?)

Also, how does one enchant for "constant effect?"

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 1:23 pm
by Sir chris
to answer your first question you need to enchant the bolts for damage and the bow for C. E. namly increase marksman 10 pts onself or just like a for 30 sec and such.

for your secound question for C. E. enchantments you need a soul worth like 400 pts like Golden saints ascended sleepers and some spechialy beings such as Vivec wich i would suggest against unless you already have the *spoiler* -wraitguard - and others such as dagoth gares and dagoth ur

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 1:53 pm
by Ares2382
Yeah, about enchanting bolts for damage. You can only enchant 1 arrow at a time, which is very impractical. If you want to get enchanted arrows or bolts, then download the Enchanted Arrow Merchant plugin from It adds a merchant in Vivec's foreign quarters that sells all sorts of ammo for ranged weapons. It's one of the official plugins so you don't have to worry about any compatability issues with it.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 2:18 pm
by baileyatbrats
Excellent. - M. Burns.

Thank you.


I thjnk I've already killed one of the guy syou mentioned. (dagoth gares?) Gave me those lovely diseases?

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 1:21 pm
by Sir chris
yup thats him....
theres very few things that you can get C. E. souls from best though is golden saints ez to find ez to kill once a high lvl and hard to soul trap though couse of that stupid dispel or something.