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Questions (possible spoilers)

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 12:55 pm
by Squee
Ok, I have some questions for the ones who know. I have vanilla Morrowind without any mods or expansions.

1. Where can you find Daedric Armor and a Daedric Longbow?

2. Where do you find the Ebony Scimitar?

3. Wich items are good to enchant? I mean REALLY good.

4. Wich weapon that you can find "narurally" is the best?

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 1:11 pm
by thousandfrac
1. couldnt help with this much, i forget where things can be guaranteed to be found. there are bits of ebony armour in a few places.

2. this can only be obtained if you have the Tribunal mod, as far as i'm aware

3. exquisite clothes have the highest enchant capabilities for clothes. exquisite amulets and rings have 120 capability. weapons are notoriously poor for enchanting, same with most armour. the ebony staff has a pretty huge capability. the Telvanni cephalopod helm (light armour) has 100.

4. hand to hand. its fast to level up, immediately available. can keep enemies in a prone state. doesnt need repairing. etc.
otherwise, use long swords. pretty much all the best weapons are long swords.

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 1:13 pm
by Dark Master
1. This will be around in different places, one of the best places is in Tel Fyr, on Divith Fyr. For a helmet there is the Masque of Clavius Ville or something. Its in a tower close to Dagon Fel (Tel Fyr is a short swim/fly south of Sadrith Mora.

I remember having a Deadric Bow, but I don't remember where from, its worth 50 thousand, and so it definitly worth having... I know that on somebody on the top level of Ghostgate there is a bow worth 30000, and it looks absolutely beautfiul, I prefer it to the Deadric bow, which IMHO looks crap.

2. I THINK the Ebony Scimitar is only avaliable in Mournhold from the High Ordinators but I may be thinking of a different weapon.

3. Ebony weapons often have more enchant points than thier Deadric counterparts... The Deadric and Glass Tower sheilds are excellent, as is any type of exquisite clothing, (rings are especially good).

4. The best weapon, in my opinion is the Deadric Crecent, its the coolest in the game too. When you are in Tel Fyr, up with Divith or whatever his name is, and you are taking his armour (note don't kill him - he's important in the quests), there is a key on the shelf next to him.

Use this key to unlock one of the chests in the Corprasarium. Keep going with this, eventually you'll think the key can't open any more, but it can, go outside, and go deeper into the tower, this opens a chest outside the Corprasasium. Return to the Corprasaruim (I think) until your key will no longer open any of the chests in the corprasirum for the SECOND time.

Go back upstairs. Mr Fyr has a chest next to him on the shelf. Open it, and equip the amulet inside. You will be taken....somewhere. Kill the Dreamora Lord and its yours.

It takes about 15 minutes if you're very slow.


Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 1:16 pm
by Squee
Well thanks, but I already knew all that. I have played the game for some time now. I know that Divath Fyr has full daedric armor but you can't kill him cause the the world is doomed.

One more question also:

5. How do I make my own weapons in Construction Set?