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Pulling a Frodo

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 12:45 am
by Da Killa
I finished the Main Morrowind and Tribunal Quest... :D Now everyone can't accept the fact that i killed Alexmalia and calls me crazy... :mad: Will they ever actually accept it? :( neways... i have finished all that i set out to do and tried to go on with my life but i find that i cannot and thus i have decided to get the boat to Valinor... i mean Solstheim... The point of this? well just wondering... what level should i be before i go to Solstheim? :confused:

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 1:10 am
by thousandfrac
i started a new character and played solely on solstheim. just pay attention to the difficulty slider, if you get slaughtered completely then put the difficulty down.

pisses me off that people dont accept it, but i dont think they ever do. unless another official expansion gets released and deals with it. which is very very unlikely. oh well...