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Morrowind, now what?

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 8:27 pm
by hwesta_elf
i have morrowind GOTY and I just finished the Tribunal main quest...
i don't know what to do next!

please help, it's a catastrophe! i haven't played morrowind for 2 WEEKS!

*sniff* i luv morrowind *sob*

i want to do something but what?

*random comment: I can't find the boots of blinding speed*

*another random comment: HOUSE REDORAN ROX!

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 8:58 pm
by thousandfrac
what about the bloodmoon quests?

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 12:18 am
by Ares2382
Eh, well if you get REALLY bored you can go on a LONG killing spree. See if you can clear every town of every person who lives there, that should keep you busy for a couple of minutes.

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 3:05 am
by Coot
Originally posted by thousandfrac
what about the bloodmoon quests?
Yes, I really like Bloodmoon. It's very different from Tribunal and worth every penny.
Also, there are a lot of mods you can download.

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 4:28 am
by Digitalchimp
i think you should just set yourself targets, like complete all the major guilds quests, then for example you could collect all pieces of daedric armour. doing this kind of thing has kept me amused, ive been playing the game for months and havent advanced the plot at all.

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 5:31 am
by hwesta_elf
a long post of questions

I have gone to Solthiem and I got the Mantle of Woe (that isn't the main quest obviously) and then just ran around until I got attacked by one to many spriggins.

*NOTE: spriggins are the most annoying thing next to cliffracers.*

so I then can't find a werewolf (do you have to defeat the main quest or something????) I ran around the whole island,

my sister has a Nord called "Gimli" from LotR so i decieded i should start a new game. i made a wood elf called "Legolas" and he was so short it wasn't even funny... so i stuck with my souped up female wood elf...

*I tried to do a quest to become advance but then i learned that i had killed the dude for the quest when i was new to morrowind and didn't know what to do...*
the funny thing is that house Redoran values stuff my wood elf isn't a master at and Hiallu values EVERYTHING my wood elfs good at... but i like house redoran ALot better anyways,
also, but i really need to find the 3rd Kagrenac's tool thingy... i have sunder and keening...
*NOTE: i might have left it on the body of one of those oversized sea urchins but that would mean it is gone forever doesn't it? after the body dissapears?*

(I have a lot of questions... maybe i should start a thread called "I have a lot of Questions, help!" or something...) :confused:

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 5:39 am
by thousandfrac
dont worry, there have been lots of 'i have lots of questions! HELP!!' threads
you get the main quest from solstheim by doing missions for the head of the imperial legion at the fort on solstheim

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 4:09 pm
by hwesta_elf

great, now i can do something...

this will probably keep me preocupied (*spelling*) for a long time...

If i do happen to beat the Main Quest, should I become a werewolf? i mean, sure it might be cool but then my perfect wood elf would be sorta... not as perfect...

i read the manual in it said a few pro's and con's but i am leaning towards not being one...(*thought Bubble*)

okay, I'll make that decision when the time comes, for now i will keep writing my Morrowind story "Chronicles of Hwesta"


does anyone else think spriggins are annoying?

i do.

but not NEARLY as much as cliffracers...

netches rock!

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 4:24 pm
by thousandfrac
if you chose to become a werewolf during the main quest, and you can seein as theres a scripted event that leads you getting the disease and you have the option of curing or leaving it. then you still carry on the main quest, but as an evil servant of whoever the evil bad guy is. so its not really a choice for lawful good roleplayers.

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 8:34 pm
by hwesta_elf
okay, i think i want to stay as a wood elf...
wood elves rule!
so does house redoran!
and also the mages guild!
and netches rock!
(but spriggins and cliff racers suck)
i have a test tommorow so i'm very busy... i'll try to do the bloodmoon quests and then when I'm done I shall become one with the keyboard and type up the story of my wood elf's biography...
HEY! maybe when i'm done i can post it!
i dunno, i heard from a friend that forums can be a bit picky about space so if anyone wants to see the finished product, let me know!
okay, thanks for your help you guyz. after the school week is over i can get back to another weekend of typing and checking mail, bye!

PS i think this makes 10 posts :D i really can't wait until i get to the high numbers like 20 or *gasp* dare i say it ... 50!

but then again "quality over quantity" comes to mind... but i just feel like a "newbie"... I hate that feeling, i like it somewhere in the middle...

have a great day!

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 8:08 am
by thousandfrac
with my nord (specially for bloodmoon) i have 2 seperate saves along the main quest. one where i left him as a werewolf and the other where i cured him from it
so i could play whichever one i felt like