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reccomned a good mod

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reccomned a good mod

Post by prateek »

that adds a lot of quests, has a decent storyline, and doesn't screw around too much with the files already in the game.

I already got the Lost heir (completed) and now i'm playing hte illuminated order....I got rid of the black mill because of the obscene amount of bugs
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Post by UncleScratchy »

Illuminated Order

I would highly recommend the Illuminated Order mod. It adds a new cult you join with a full set of quests, new places, ties in a lot of things already in the game, very well done, good dialog, etc. Unlike most of the mods that just add one new area or some special effect this is a complete storyline. You can probably find the link by doing a search on the subject in this forum.

Some of the things I like about it:

- It incorporates M'aiq the Liar into a quest.
- It incorporates the Pool of Forgetfullness into a quest.
- Creates secret guild houses in Balmora, Molag Mar, Sadrith Mora and another one you can only get to by teleportation.
- Puts you up against some powerful greater liches to kill.
- Creates an underwater dreugh city.
- Interrogate an Ascended Sleeper.
- Meet a friendly vampire (and let him turn you into one if you like)
- Introduces some nice enchanted items (dreugh armor/weapons, unique swords, etc).
- Incorporates all of the daedric shrine quests into it.

Of the official mods the only ones I like are the the Vivic Flether Shop, Swamp Sounds and Propylon Index mods.
"The Khajiit mind is not engineered for self-reflection. We simply do what we do and let the world be damned." Quote from the Ahziirr Traajijazeri

"Fusozay Var Var"
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