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Attack/Casting glitch?

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 11:27 am
by Barrin
i have posted a message about this once but as far as i can tell i have gotten no solid and good answers that i could comprehend.
i was using SK at the time, and i was often creatign barbarians, then it occured to me, y have a strong person, when i can have a strong person who can cast spells! so i changed to a spellcaster. i did everything the same with my SK (or so i think...) then, i was in Irenic's dungeon and i attempted to attack a creature, i missed repeatedly (4-10 times) until finnally my character hit the beast, dealing little to no damage! i changed save games, turned of SK, made new character ect the works. nuthing worked. i could barely ever hit my target. (the same goes for my party members) so i journeyed thru the game with only my spellcasters magic to defend myself. i was in the docks assasinating the cowled wizard operative, when io left his home, i could strike down my enemies once again! but i could no longer cast spells! it is a very strange phenomenon. if ne1 has ne information regarding this incident or whatever plz help me my gamign experiance hasnt been the same since!.

thanks for reding this, Barrin


"There are no stupid questions, just stupid people."

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 3:59 pm
by Black_Paladin
If I understand you correctly, you are saying that you changed your character to a mage, right? If so, maybe what is happening to dual classed characters is happening to you. For instance, if you take a level 13 Kensai in the game and dual him to a mage, he will hardly be able to hit anything until he is a level 14 mage (one level higher than his previous class). When he becomes a level 14 mage however, he will be able to hit things again as he will gain his Kensai Thac0 and all the other stuff (obviouslt, the natural Thac0 of a mage sucks).

As a result, I am wondering what level you made this guy when you turned him into a mage? Or did you actually change him to a multi-class character? Did you change the Barbarian into a Barbarian/Mage?

It's hard to give answers to this question without knowing how exactly you modified your Barbarian character in ShadowKeeper.

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 8:36 pm
by UserUnfriendly
probably corrupted game...

start from scratch... :(

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 8:48 pm
by Barrin
.. i cant
Originally posted by UserUnfriendly
probably corrupted game...

start from scratch... :(

i cant start from scratch.... i told u... when i made a new char on new save file. same thign happend.... so unless u r imoplying i buy the game again... no can do... ty neways


"There are no stupid questions, just stupid people."

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 9:23 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Re: .. i cant
Originally posted by Barrin

i cant start from scratch.... i told u... when i made a new char on new save file. same thign happend.... so unless u r imoplying i buy the game again... no can do... ty neways


"There are no stupid questions, just stupid people."
ok, as far as i can tell, you actually have two problems...

bad thac0, and inability to cast spells..

first, mages and sorcerors all have bad thac0, they suck at melee...use a sling and let your fighters attack the enemy melee, and keep spell casters in the back casting spells...

things that would disable spell casting...armor, tensor's transformation spell, slayer change...take off your armor, and you should be able to cast spells again... ;)

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 2:43 pm
by Barrin
the noob speaks (im refering to myself)

hmmm so do i want my thaco high or low?... lol... i know that i sasid im a noob, but i didnt say i was a moron and i think i would have noticed if i disabled my spells wid armor.... ty for suggest. all i need is for sum1 to answer my Thaco question and then i will be no longer checkign in on this thread. i repat, once sum1 answers my question about thaco i will no longer respond to emails about messages in this thread. ty


"There are no stupid questions, just stupid people."

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 2:44 pm
by Barrin
oh yah i forgot

oh yah, i forgot to ask... wut the HECK are the Jansens???.............

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 3:28 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Re: the noob speaks (im refering to myself)
Originally posted by Barrin
hmmm so do i want my thaco high or low?... lol... i know that i sasid im a noob, but i didnt say i was a moron and i think i would have noticed if i disabled my spells wid armor.... ty for suggest. all i need is for sum1 to answer my Thaco question and then i will be no longer checkign in on this thread. i repat, once sum1 answers my question about thaco i will no longer respond to emails about messages in this thread. ty


"There are no stupid questions, just stupid people."
the lower the thac0, the more you hit people...

the lower the ac, the less people hit you...

the lowest thac0 i've been able to get with a 40th level kensai is around -17 thac0, which means i can hit anything...

the lowest ac is around -15, which means nothing in soa could hit me...however, since once you get to Tob, most enemies have -10 thac0, they can always hit me...

which is why in Tob, you want resistance to slashing, piercing and blunt provided by hardiness ability and defender of easthaven (item)

if you didn't disable your spells via armor...

ok, open up your spell book, you will see icons on the right side, these are the spells you know, and boxes on the left...left click on a spell to put it into the boxes on the right, it will appear as a faded icon, then after resting, it will no longer be faded, and you can cast the spell...which will then fade out until you rest again...

have you been resting???

jansens...go to the gov district, and look for a little guy selling flasher bruiser mates...

Vegetarian Rhapsody
Words and music by Freddie Mercury, adapted by Userunfriendly

Is this the real life-
Is this just an RPG-
Caught in Athkatla-
My escape from reality-
Turn on your monitor
Look at your screen and see-
A gnome just getting by,he needs no sympathy-
Because turnips come,turnips go,
Profits high,profits low,
If I sell these turnips,doesn't really matter to me,
To me

Mama,I won't bribe the man,
Trax is out of his head,
No selling Bruiser Mates, (he said)
Mama, career had just begun,
But now I've gone and thrown it all away-
Mama ooo,
Didn't mean to make you cry-
If I'm jailed again this time tomorrow-
Carry on,carry on, nothing really matters-

Too late, my time has come,
Trax caught me just this time-
He is such a sticky slime,
Goodbye everybody-I've got to go-
Uncles, Cousins, nephews, and nieces all
Mama ooo- (I think this really blows)
I don't want to go,
Maybe I should have bribed old Trax after all-

I see a little silhouetto of a gnome,
CrunchyTurnips, CrunchyTurnips, juices running down his chin-
Jailcell and lockup-very very frightening me-
ChildofBhaal, help me so-Magnifico!!!
But I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me-
He's just a poor boy from a gnomish family-
Spare him his life from this travesty-
Easy come easy go-,will you let me go-
DamnyouJan! No-,we will not let you go-let him go-
DamnyouJan! We will not let you go-let him go
DamnyouJan! We will not let you go-let me go
Will not let you go-let me go
Will not let you go let me go
Mama mia,mama mia,mama mia let me go-
StinkyTrax has a jailcell put aside for me, for me, for me-

So you think you can jail me and spit in my eye-
So you think you can jail me and leave me to die-
Oh Traxy-Can't do this to me Traxy-
Just gotta get out-just gotta get right outta here-

Nothing really matters,
Anyone can see,
Nothing really matters-,nothing really matters to me,

I think this really blows....


for your sing along pleasure...

yes, i am fully nutty...


seriously, jan is one of the funniest, and most annoying npcs you can get in the game, as well as the best thief...and one of the most popular characters ever created by bioware, and often the most annoying...i like him, and i've written quite a few fanfiction stories and songs about him... ;)

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 5:47 pm
by Barrin
lol nice, hey u mind if i use dat sumtime? if asked bout it i give u credit.... oh yah and ty for explanatin i gotta go make new thread asking if there is a SK or whatev for ToB if u got answers post on new thread named ToB SK?.


"Barrin is the best, no doubt, for sure, fo shizzle my nizzle of da hizzouse!"

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 11:06 am
by araknid70
40th level kensai with -17 thac0? isn't that rather poor for a kensai? +5 weapon in main hand + +7 bonus from Crom Faeyr +13 from kensai = -25 thac0 at least, not counting other stuff that add to thac0 like weapon prof. in fact a +5 weapon (one-handed) for a level 40 kensai should already be better than -17.

Barrin - you could try reinstalling your game, if the problem persists. However your description is a little vague, so it may not be a problem at all... maybe you could be a little clearer?

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 1:33 pm
by Barrin
Mission Complete

okay i revised thaco to -100 (: D ) and problem all gone, thx for ur help. im not going to b relpying to this thread no more.



"There are no stupid questions, just stupid people."

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 1:33 am
by Ekental
LOL even so I just want to say that THACO is pretty pointless below -20, in fact, it caps at -20
also betting that the problem was duel classing as mentioned above

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 5:28 am
by Black_Paladin
Originally posted by Ekental
LOL even so I just want to say that THACO is pretty pointless below -20, in fact, it caps at -20
also betting that the problem was duel classing as mentioned above
Hmm, strange that my Thac0 at level 38 with my Kensai was below -20. It was about -28 or so I think. Are you sure that the game caps it at -20? I don't think that I had a mod or anything like that which modified Thac0.

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 9:05 am
by nephtu
More THAC) goodness...

I think that you can get the game to display any THAC0, but the effective THAC0 limit is still -20 by the way the game engine resolves things.

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 9:28 am
by Kaitsuburi
Re: Re: the noob speaks (im refering to myself)
Originally posted by UserUnfriendly

Vegetarian Rhapsody
Words and music by Freddie Mercury, adapted by Userunfriendly

I am rolling on the floor laughing my guts off ~~ this is really classic! What a great tribute to Mr. Jansen!

Speaking of Jan obsession, has anyone else walked into a Scandinavian restaurant and ordered the dish containing turnip just because it reminds them of Jan :D :D

Sorry, I am off topic. Thaco of -15 is already insane. -20 is even more iinsane, but definitely needed in some situations later in ToB.


Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 2:35 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Re: Re: Re: the noob speaks (im refering to myself)
Originally posted by Kaitsuburi
I am rolling on the floor laughing my guts off ~~ this is really classic! What a great tribute to Mr. Jansen!

Speaking of Jan obsession, has anyone else walked into a Scandinavian restaurant and ordered the dish containing turnip just because it reminds them of Jan :D :D

Sorry, I am off topic. Thaco of -15 is already insane. -20 is even more iinsane, but definitely needed in some situations later in ToB.


thanks!!! this was the best jan song i've written, out of the dozen or so i've written... :p
