Attack/Casting glitch?
Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 11:27 am
i have posted a message about this once but as far as i can tell i have gotten no solid and good answers that i could comprehend.
i was using SK at the time, and i was often creatign barbarians, then it occured to me, y have a strong person, when i can have a strong person who can cast spells! so i changed to a spellcaster. i did everything the same with my SK (or so i think...) then, i was in Irenic's dungeon and i attempted to attack a creature, i missed repeatedly (4-10 times) until finnally my character hit the beast, dealing little to no damage! i changed save games, turned of SK, made new character ect the works. nuthing worked. i could barely ever hit my target. (the same goes for my party members) so i journeyed thru the game with only my spellcasters magic to defend myself. i was in the docks assasinating the cowled wizard operative, when io left his home, i could strike down my enemies once again! but i could no longer cast spells! it is a very strange phenomenon. if ne1 has ne information regarding this incident or whatever plz help me my gamign experiance hasnt been the same since!.
thanks for reding this, Barrin
"There are no stupid questions, just stupid people."
i was using SK at the time, and i was often creatign barbarians, then it occured to me, y have a strong person, when i can have a strong person who can cast spells! so i changed to a spellcaster. i did everything the same with my SK (or so i think...) then, i was in Irenic's dungeon and i attempted to attack a creature, i missed repeatedly (4-10 times) until finnally my character hit the beast, dealing little to no damage! i changed save games, turned of SK, made new character ect the works. nuthing worked. i could barely ever hit my target. (the same goes for my party members) so i journeyed thru the game with only my spellcasters magic to defend myself. i was in the docks assasinating the cowled wizard operative, when io left his home, i could strike down my enemies once again! but i could no longer cast spells! it is a very strange phenomenon. if ne1 has ne information regarding this incident or whatever plz help me my gamign experiance hasnt been the same since!.
thanks for reding this, Barrin
"There are no stupid questions, just stupid people."