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My New Party

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 4:18 am
by Sytze
My New Party (stay on topic please)

I decided to take another run through SoA and ToB with The Darkest Day and another ton of Mods installed (ascension, tactics, battles, ease, refinements, etc).

For this new run, my party will consist of my PC (Sytze, an Archer=> a pure one this time, since there are already 3 mages :D ), Jaheira, Yoshimo/Immie, Tashia, Keldorn and either Jan or Haer’Dhalis.

I’m not sure who to take along; Jan or Dhalis. Considering my current party, who do you advice to take along?? I am playing a good party as you see, and I am considering to replace Keldorn by you-know-who in ToB. I decided not to take Minsc, but Keldorn. I always take Minsc and I think he doesn’t have as much dialogs as Jaheira, Tashia or Yoshimo for example, plus I never took Keldorn.

As for tactics, here is how it will be:
Sytze: Archer, deals massive damage. Plus I made him a special katana which also makes him useful in melee. However, most of the time, he will be shooting arrows, taking out the most powerful first and then making his way down.
-Weapon= Longbow: self-made item

Jaheira: Will be used mostly in melee. I’m giving her spells which makes her stronger (bless, holy powers, death ward, iron skin, righteous magic, etc). She will also have a few offensive spells (call on lightning, nature’s beauty, insect swarm, storm of vengeance, etc).
-Weapon= Scimitar: belm and item-upgrade mod scimitar)

Tashia: Sorceress, will take out mages. I will give her defensive spells, so she will be protected against spells from mages (spell turning, spell trap, stoneskin, mantle, protection from… spells, etc). And I will give her spells which will disable other mages (breach, pierce magic, r r of reversal, khelbens w w, etc)
-Weapon= Staff: SoM or item-upgrade staff or Longswords: Dayastar and Equalizer....I'm not sure yet.

Yoshimo/Immy: Yoshimo speaks for himself. However, he will be using longswords instead of katana’s.
I will give Imoen a combination of defensive (to upgrade her in battle) and offensive spells (like ADHW, harm, sunfire, etc). She will be send in melee often.
-Weapon= Longswords: not sure which

Keldorn: He is a Paladin and therefore will use 2-Handedswords. Will be in melee.
-Weapon= 2-Handed weapons: his personal sword and later the weapon which suits him best ;)

Jan: Will mostly be used for backstabbing and spellcasting. For spells he will use illusion and confusing spells. This means he can help himself in battle and annoy the enemies :D :p
-Weapon= I will give him katana’s, so I have to change his profincies, etc a bit: CF and Kurosian’s sword

(Now, if I take Hear’Dhalis along, he will be using Katana’s and self-upgradeable spells. This means that Immie will be not be used in melee often and will be casting a lot more offensive spells.
-Weapon= See Jan)

Now, what do you think of this people?? Any advice on what to change?? A bit of input would be welcome :D

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 5:15 am
by Luis Antonio
Use Jan. Tashia will take care of the spells, and Jan will give you a lot of cover fire and traps. Oh, and you should be using the rogue balancing mod, so Bards are no longer trap users, what means trouble...

And the bard song is not good anyway.

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 5:20 am
by kopywrite
Originally posted by Luis Antonio
Oh, and you should be using the rogue balancing mod, so Bards are no longer trap users, what means trouble...

And the bard song is not good anyway.
What's that mod like? Ive heard there's some teeth gnashingly difficult battles in there.

Improved bardsong being sung by an army of mislead clones though...AC gets as low as it can go...-27 or thereabouts.

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 6:40 am
by kopywrite
Ahh, just read the readme on aVENGER's site...Blade's no longer get enhanced bard song.

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 9:22 am
by Sytze
On topic people! On topic! :D

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 10:10 am
by kopywrite
Sorry! :D

Well, kind of is on topic...Jan vs Harry, which was part of your group composition dilemna was it not? ;)

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 11:01 am
by Luis Antonio
Jan is awesome and fun. Haer is not.


Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 12:31 pm
by Sytze
Yeah, but I see Dhalis more as a friend and a comrade in fighting. If I need to go into a room full with nasty brutes, I would prefer to have Dhalis along, then Jan actually...

And as a sidenote: who gets along best with the other party members I mentioned. Dhalis or Jan???

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 3:57 pm
by nephtu

If it were me, I'd take Jan, no question, since you already have Keldorn and Jaheira for tanking. He's far funnier than anyone else.

Have you considered hacking Jan or Jaheira's class? Some fun to be had there....

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 8:31 pm
by Kaitsuburi
Another vote for Jan! I am partial, probably, but he is just so funny!

Just recently, he presented my character with the Boots of Jansenkind LOL What an incredibly sweet gift :D :D


Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 9:13 pm
by fable
Jan, definitely. He becomes very powerful in ToB, and already possesses his paralyzing darts which can be surprisingly effective.

And yes, everybody else is right: his dialog is great.

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 12:41 am
by Littiz
Just a note: I can't say anything about compatibility between Refinements and TDD. Of the non-WeiDU mods, the only one I'm reasonably sure about is Tortured Souls (I have it, and it has been installed for the whole development...).

And after all, working on compatibility with TDD (which, as I am told, changes things in every field of the game and is even no longer supported...) would be a full-time job by itself.
Anyway, I have the impression that with your party things might work. I'm curious to know ;)

Oh, my take would be Jan :D

P.S: we should release a new build next week BTW (with some debugging/adjustments ;) )

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 1:03 am
by UserUnfriendly
Re: Hmm..
Originally posted by nephtu
If it were me, I'd take Jan, no question, since you already have Keldorn and Jaheira for tanking. He's far funnier than anyone else.

Have you considered hacking Jan or Jaheira's class? Some fun to be had there....

however, under no circumstances hack him into a paladin...



Jan Jansen: Oh, woe is me, I hate my life! Bugger this pitiful life of mine, as a thief-illusionist! Sod it! I want to be a....a....Paladin!

Jan Jansen: Oh, I'm a Paladin, and I'm okay,
I snore all night and I smite all day.

Shadow Thieves: He's a Paladin, and he's okay,
He snores all night and he smites all day.

Jan Jansen: I smite stinky orcs, I eat my lunch,
I go to the Outhouse.
If I'm out in the wide wilderness,
I just use a furry mouse.

Shadow Thieves: He smites stinky orcs, he eats his lunch,
He goes to the Outhouse.
If he's out in the wide wilderness,
He just uses a furry mouse.

Jan Jansen: I smite stinky orcs, I skip and jump,
I like to polish my stuff.
I put on ladies's clothing,
And watch other knights scream and huff.

Shadow Thieves: He smites stinky orcs, he skips and jumps,
He likes to polish his stuff.
He puts on women's clothing
And watch other knights scream and huff???????

Jan Jansen: I smite stinky orcs, I wear high heels,
Knickers and a bra.
I wish I'd been a girlie
Just like my dear papa.

Shadow Thieves: He smites stinky orcs, he wears high heels
Knickers and a .... a Bra????

Aerie(crying): I thought you were so rugged!


Jan, of course... :D :D :D :D :D

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 2:29 am
by Sytze
Jan it will be!!
You all convinced me with supreme arguments, so the party will be; me (the Archer), Jah, Tashia, Keldorn, Immie/Yosh and Jan :D

Originally posted by Littiz
Just a note: I can't say anything about compatibility between Refinements and TDD. Of the non-WeiDU mods, the only one I'm reasonably sure about is Tortured Souls (I have it, and it has been installed for the whole development...).

And after all, working on compatibility with TDD (which, as I am told, changes things in every field of the game and is even no longer supported...) would be a full-time job by itself.

Ohh boy, so I might be facing a complete reinstall then :( I am not really looking forward to that...
However, me being a stubborn as ever, will go on anyway and see how it goes.

Originally posted by Littiz
Anyway, I have the impression that with your party things might work. I'm curious to know ;)
Oh, my take would be Jan :D

I will keep you (all) informed on how it progresses. Both with battle tactics and compatibility.

@And Nephtu: Any suggestions for classchanging? I might make Jah a Ranger/Druid, or something :D

@User: How many more of those things do you have of Jan? :p

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 2:31 am
by UserUnfriendly
@User: How many more of those things do you have of Jan?

including the infamous Jan Jansen/monty python stories???

30-40... :eek: :eek: :eek:

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 2:34 am
by Sytze
Did any of those (cause I've been reading some before... the Jan ShadowThief banter looked quite familar :D :p ) make it into the Delainy mod??

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 2:41 am
by UserUnfriendly
Originally posted by Sytze
Did any of those (cause I've been reading some before... the Jan ShadowThief banter looked quite familar :D :p ) make it into the Delainy mod??

nope, its just years of material posted to the attic and the forgotten wars fanfiction forum...

near the bottom is my series, which is my prose efforts, the naughty bits are my short stories and songs...

delainey is entirely bri's work... :p

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 2:57 am
by Sytze
Originally posted by UserUnfriendly
delainey is entirely bri's work... :p

I know, but I remembered a post where the question was; if your work would be put in the mod :D
Thats why I asked ;)

On a sidenote, and to stay on topic (so maybe I should be calling it a "mainnote" :confused: :D ), would you have any nice tactics for Jan? It is the first time I am taking him along for the entire ride and I want to take the max out of his abilities.

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 11:48 am
by UserUnfriendly
Originally posted by Sytze
I know, but I remembered a post where the question was; if your work would be put in the mod :D
Thats why I asked ;)

On a sidenote, and to stay on topic (so maybe I should be calling it a "mainnote" :confused: :D ), would you have any nice tactics for Jan? It is the first time I am taking him along for the entire ride and I want to take the max out of his abilities.

traps of course...

explosive...blast enemies into spike traps or skull traps or delay blast fireballs...

timetrap...use it to give jan time to cast timestop of his own...timestop's only problem is long cast time, so use a timetrap to give jan time to cast timestop...

spiketraps...defender of easthaven, 20k in gold...robe of vecna, 30k in gold...planting 7 spiketraps and watching demogorgon's expression, priceless...the dungeon express card, don't leave home without it... :p

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 12:53 pm
by Luis Antonio
Originally posted by UserUnfriendly

spiketraps...defender of easthaven, 20k in gold...robe of vecna, 30k in gold...planting 7 spiketraps and watching demogorgon's expression, priceless...the dungeon express card, don't leave home without it... :p

UU, do it works with the improved version??? (actually the original one, who was thought to be too hard for the normal game player)

@Sytze, make Jan an assassin/mage, I think this will be nice... Use vecna, a xbow, a short sword of your choice (freedom will be mine) and some outfit of your preference.

Or perhaps an fighter/mage/thief... jan using a real helmet... hm...