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help with calo and davik
Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 10:52 am
by Genohem
I need help again. What kind of weapon i use to kill calo and davik? Use grenades? or swords? Help please.
Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 11:36 am
by fullcollapse331
Whatever you do, concentrate all your firepower on Calo because (spoiler?) Davik gets killed anyway. If you have all three of your guys throw grenades, then have two melee fighters hack away at him with Canderous shooting from afar, the battle shouldn't take too long.
Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 12:51 pm
by Joshua Randall
This is actually a pretty tough battle for when it occurs in the game... especially if you are saving up levels on your main character to go Jedi. (i.e., not leveling up past 4th or 5th in your base class)
A couple of things. They are both using shields, so your energy weapons (blasters or Bastila's lightsaber) will not do much good. Use vibro-weapons for melee, and a specialty weapon at range (disruptor or something that does physical damage).
Grenades are your friend. In a fit of frustration, I once won this battle using only grenades: plasma does a lot of damage (even past fire resistance). And by this time you should have lots and lots of grenades.
Stims and shields are also your friend. Use them! Don't worry about saving them for later -- you will be swimming in them by the end of the game.
As for who to attack, I have tried it both ways, but do concentrate your fire on one or the other. I personally prefer to beat down Davik as he seems to go down quicker than Calo. Somewhere around here I have their defense and save bonuses written down on a scrap of paper... can't find it now, but bug me if you want me to dig it up.
Final note: I usually do this battle with my character + Canderous (mandatory) + Bastila (optional). Maybe next time I will try it with Zalbaar instead. He's a combat brute and can absorb a lot of punishment. Hmm....
Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 3:42 pm
Just use grenades throw 6 grenades at calo nord and he'll be down because(SPOILER)
He stops and is going to throw a thermal detonator and then a sith ship blasts a piece off the ceiling and it lands on him. Then Davik automatically dies.