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A wierd team

Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 4:24 am
by tryst
My friend and i were talking about differnt parties to crete and we settled on an all dwarf party.

4 main tank dwarfs
all the same figthers maybe a barbarian

one rogue/ backup tank (if iam really in trouble) i think dwarf maybe a halfling.

then a wizard. is it worth having a wizard in? maybe a monk or something. lol


thanx tryst

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 3:19 am
by shakuhachi
be sure to post successes or limitations on the all dwarf party.

also, if you've played thru before, then you'll know what makes a successful party: survival. any party can get thru the game if it can survive the battles. the rest is style (battle tactics), roleplaying (you get about equal xp and gold from, for example, being cool with the monks in the temple or killing and looting the lot), and enjoyment.

i'm using an all drow party, and the +2 ECL only alters the style of the game i have to play in that i have to use better tactics to survive. 1 of 2 wizards and 1 of 2 clerics engage in melee, along with 2 fighters, 1 using longsword or bastard sword and 1 using greatsword, who smash open chests and walk thru traps.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 7:36 am
by bogra
Also trying something different ? here.
Atm using 1 sorc, 1 cleric, and 4x warriors
warriors are goin 4x ftr (weapon spec at 4th), 3x rogue (2d6 sneak attack and evasion) then barb lvls for rage and more hps.

Pro's: Hope to do some massive hth damage from clvl 8 or so.
(tis already pretty nice at 6th)

Problems that might appear:
I will have rogueskills to some extent but wont really be enough.
Mobs seems to have hardly any trouble at all hitting chars with AC as high as 20, seems stoneskin is a musthave.
Will lack some wiz/sor spells since sorc choices are very limited in numbers.

Anyone even tried playing w/o a wizard/sorc? must be a nightmare.

If I get bored and I get stuck I'll prolly do a 1 monk, 1 rogue, 1 cle, 1 wiz, 2x sorc party to just nuke out all resistance.