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How many Boots of Speed are there?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 4:15 pm
by krunchyfrogg
I've found two so far. One in Spellhold, and one in the Planar Prison.

If possible, I'd really like to equip my whole party with a pair. If there are enough of them, please tell me where!

Also, the haste sign shows up when I have these boots on. are my characters actually hasted, or just running faster?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 4:55 pm
by kopywrite

In SoA there's only one other pair and they're owned by Renal Bloodscalp. Getting them can be quite tricky unless you're fairly advanced into the game...I think Bodhi needs to be dead in order to stop Arkanis showing up with the dreaded insta kill sword. However there are ways around this...

Once you're in ToB, there are 3 more -- 2 pairs can be bought and 1 pair is part of the loot from an early fight.

Ritual mod has another pair which you can get hold of when you feel like a very tough battle.

Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 5:23 pm
by Therion
I've got three pair.. I think two (but not sure, at least one.. made only boots there, though) are from the machine in the Asylum, and one from the group which you have to fight at the end of the King's maze in Windspear Hills.

Can't recall if I fought Renal, though.. I don't think so (off the top of my head). But I'll check. Of course, if everyone has to.. I have and one pair is from him instead of two from the asylum.

-edit- Nope.. haven't killed Renal.

Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 5:59 pm
by Kaitsuburi
Originally posted by kopywrite
In SoA there's only one other pair and they're owned by Renal Bloodscalp. Getting them can be quite tricky unless you're fairly advanced into the game...I think Bodhi needs to be dead in order to stop Arkanis showing up with the dreaded insta kill sword. However there are ways around this...

This means, naturally, you fight Renal Bloodscalp to plunder the boots; he does not sell them ;) I have never tried it, but I can imagine the inconvenience of the insta-kill sword :D
Originally posted by kopywrite
Ritual mod has another pair which you can get hold of when you feel like a very tough battle.

Indeed :D It is doable, but heck, is that a tough battle or what! SPOILER DON'T READ

We are referring to Pontifex, the guy who gives you the assignment on the Watcher's Keep map. Do not challenge him unless you're very high level! He has a pair of boots of speed and another very nice item.


Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 6:16 pm
by UserUnfriendly
ring of protection +2...

ponty is hard to kill..very hard...very very hard.. ;)

Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 9:47 pm
by Kaitsuburi
Originally posted by UserUnfriendly
ponty is hard to kill..very hard...very very hard.. ;)

This is coming from The Master of Cheese; you have your warning :D :D


ps. I will take him down in my current game, but it will be a while before I attempt (currently around lvl 12).

Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 10:11 pm
by nephtu
Pontifex & Boots...

For my money it's cooler to succeed at the ritual. and call it good (Not that the Ritual isn't a challenge ;) )
Pontifex IS a sucker for spike traps, though :eek:

Posted: Mon May 03, 2004 6:18 am
by UserUnfriendly
Re: Pontifex & Boots...
Originally posted by nephtu
For my money it's cooler to succeed at the ritual. and call it good (Not that the Ritual isn't a challenge ;) )
Pontifex IS a sucker for spike traps, though :eek:

i tried that...the dratted sand golems triggered them...urg... :p

its the wing buffets that really annoys you..blows your fighters everywhere... :mad:

Posted: Mon May 03, 2004 8:11 am
by Sytze
Re: Pontifex & Boots...
Originally posted by nephtu
For my money it's cooler to succeed at the ritual. and call it good (Not that the Ritual isn't a challenge ;) )
Pontifex IS a sucker for spike traps, though :eek:

Euhm, no, that doesnt work...
I placed 7 spiketraps around him, and they all hit him but he didnt die of it. You can almost say he is immune to it...

The best tactic would having a kensai-mage casting timestop asap, getting his defence down and then smashing him with melee (nasty immunity to missiles :mad: :p )

Posted: Mon May 03, 2004 8:12 am
by Sytze
Re: Re: Pontifex & Boots...
Originally posted by UserUnfriendly
i tried that...the dratted sand golems triggered them...urg... :p

its the wing buffets that really annoys you..blows your fighters everywhere... :mad:

What annoyed me most, is that also casts Timestop and then smashes your party to bits.

That, and his immunity to ranged weapons, like I said ;)

Posted: Mon May 03, 2004 8:27 am
by Kaitsuburi
I bet you it'd be close to impossible without a fighter mage with chain contingency. I've only fought him twice, but both times it was my kensai mage vs him. Other party members fled out of sight :D

His timestop is probably the nastiest one in the game.


Posted: Mon May 03, 2004 9:25 am
by nephtu
Re: Re: Pontifex & Boots...
Originally posted by Sytze
Euhm, no, that doesnt work...
I placed 7 spiketraps around him, and they all hit him but he didnt die of it. You can almost say he is immune to it...

The best tactic would having a kensai-mage casting timestop asap, getting his defence down and then smashing him with melee (nasty immunity to missiles :mad: :p )

Hmm...I thought that was how I did him in. Perhaps senile dementia is setting in. I'm fairly sure he must have some vulnerability to cheese, as I remember the fight as fairly easy. It's also possible I was just working on an earlier and weaker iteration, tactics just keeps getting slicker :eek:

That immunity to missiles would really bite for an archer PC ;)

Posted: Mon May 03, 2004 12:11 pm
by Sytze
Re: Re: Re: Pontifex & Boots...
Originally posted by nephtu
Hmm...I thought that was how I did him in. Perhaps senile dementia is setting in. I'm fairly sure he must have some vulnerability to cheese, as I remember the fight as fairly easy. It's also possible I was just working on an earlier and weaker iteration, tactics just keeps getting slicker :eek:
Perhaps thats the case, beause I am fairly sure I put 7 spiketraps around him. I saw it going off, hitting him, but not hurting...
But I guess improving tactics on and on makes the gameplay that much more challenging and thus more fun ;)

Originally posted by nephtu
That immunity to missiles would really bite for an archer PC ;)

So true. That immunity took the strongest party-member out of the battle.
Namely me :D :p

Posted: Mon May 03, 2004 12:54 pm
by Luther
Umm, is this thread still about boots of speed? :p

I was also looking around for a pair of these so I could merge them with the item upgrade mod but looks like I'll be looking until TOB. Actually, though, I also installed the Forgotten Wars item pack and although most of the items are ridiculously overpowered (and some crash the game) there was a cool pair of boots that acted like boots of speed and had some resistances. They were slightly underpriced but I figured what the heck.

Posted: Mon May 03, 2004 1:52 pm
by nephtu

The planar prison (once you've released Haer'Dalis the first time) is the easiest one to get early. The Spellhold vending machine one is easy, though you need tyo pay fairly close atttention to get the requisite number of tokens.

Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 4:48 am
by Sytze
Originally posted by Luther
Actually, though, I also installed the Forgotten Wars item pack and although most of the items are ridiculously overpowered (and some crash the game) there was a cool pair of boots that acted like boots of speed and had some resistances. They were slightly underpriced but I figured what the heck.

Sorry to go off topic, again :p

But where did you find that item pack?? Cause I am searching for it quite some time now...

Unless the item pack is secretly called Ruad ;)

Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 5:27 am
by lompo
No it's not Ruad, here you'll find items already forged and they are extremly cheesy and overpowered (and cheap!).
You should find a link at Sorcerer place, if I remember well, but only a coupple of items are real worthing (most either are bugged or are just too overpowered).

Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 7:46 am
by Kaitsuburi
Sorry, this is off-topic again but there is a broken item in the Ruad mod too: The Robe of Resistance that you forge from the various mage robes crashes my game every time I equip it. I am not sure if it's a straight-out bug or a conflict with other mods (all Weidu, all from Weimer plus Ruad, Unfinished Business and 1-2 others)...

@lompo ~ could you specify which items in the Forgotten Wars pack have worked for you. I think I have it downloaded, but haven't installed it because of the issues you refer to. It'd be helpful to know what's worth getting, so to speak. TIA!


Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 11:07 am
by Luther
From the forgotten wars item pack I'm using the Beastman's leather (for Minsc so he can have good protection and still use stealth--not that overpowered,) Jester's chain for Haerdalis so he can use mage spells, although the description is either wrong or it's bugged because it gives 2 AC less than it says, and Sunas Greywater boots for the convenience of speed (small resistance too but too cheap for what they do.) Most of the others are too powerful for a fun game. The Shadow Halberd potion crashed my game when I tried to use it.

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 2:15 am
by lompo
I usually use the Sunus Graywater boots (haste + 15% of some elemental prot. ), the Sunus G. visor (helm +2 Ac+regeneration, usable by everybody), Bracers of Gorion (priest/druids, Ac + cast PfMW) and Amulet of the healer (Ac+hp + cast Heal).
Some other items can be interesting, but some are buggy (a girdle of str. doesnt work, a lion figurine too), and a lot of them are too overpowered (+5 weapons +2 a/r + lots of other benefits.....)