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Fastest quests

Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 10:04 pm
by HiRo11er
Some quests are tedious and long, others are just too plain simple. I think I set a personal record today when I did 4 mage's guild quests in a combined time of 40 seconds, realtime! :) (not back to back though...)
Get me a detect creatures potion?! Find a book?! Discover a spy?!?! These are quests better suited for apprentices and footpads, not warlocks & wizards!
Last time I played I stopped by Sadrith Mora for something, & Skink asked me to escort a mage to the boat docks... I was the arch mage of the whole **** faction! How does he summon the nerve to ask me that... You go do it yourself! I should fire his ass...

Anyway, I'm just ranting... Anybody else feel they're too good for their missions, or is it just me? :cool:

Side note: No quests go faster than the ones where you coincidentally happen to carry with you whatever they need. That makes me feel good...
"Hey, would you mind finding me a ... ...oh, nevermind, thanks!"

Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 10:15 pm
by dragon wench
Indeed. As has been stated in the thread about Morrowind dislikes, one serious problem with the game is that the quests and NPCs really lack complexity. But then again... like many people I was spoiled by Baldur's Gate Two and Planescape Torment....

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 6:54 am
by Dark Master
Originally posted by HiRo11er

Side note: No quests go faster than the ones where you coincidentally happen to carry with you whatever they need. That makes me feel good...
"Hey, would you mind finding me a ... ...oh, nevermind, thanks!"

I know that feeling. Ald'Ruhn thieves guild - the Mages Guild empties itself, and I'm not giong to miss this oppertunity. I take that Whitherskins book because its worth lots, and later they ask me to steal it from someone in Maar Gan. Well... I have it already... :D