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Question about dual-classing and some other things..

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 11:26 am
by Ravenlord
Ok so first of all, big hello to everyone here, I may be a n00b on this board but definetely not a n00b to the game or to RPGs in general starting right off with Fallout series. But anyway straight to the point, I decided to start BGII (yet again) and have completed a roll for my character:

Female / Berserker / Human

Strength - 15 (due to girdle of strength available early on)
Dexterity - 18
Constitution - 18
Intelligence - 18
Wisdom - 3
Charisma - 18

I think it's a pretty good roll, but my question is, will I be able to dual class her into a mage at future point in the game? My concern is obviously wisdom, but will it affect the mage status? Hence does anyone know the minimum requirements needed to become a mage?

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 11:35 am
by TheDude
hi welcome :D
u dont need a special amount of wisdom to become a mage.
the only drowback u get from having low wis. is a little less change of learning a spell (but that is compencated by high int.)
and u get a lower lore amount to begin with.

it's a good roll i shoul have had pt less pooint in cha and some more in wis but this is good and berserker/mages are a lot of fun playing with :D

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 11:43 am
by Ravenlord
Thanks for the reply! Well thank God I won't have to start over.. what level do you think I should dual at?

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 12:11 pm
by Numinor
Wisdom has nothing to do with learning spells, a low wis score only results in lowered saving throws and a possible divine spell failure AFAIK. Since wizards use arcane magic they only suffer from the lowered saving throws.
Wisdom has an influence on the possible choices of the (Limited) Wish spell as well.

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 12:33 pm
by TheDude
i dualed ad lvl 9 tats most commun.
then u have 3 rage options and enough points to put in your weapon profs.
go with quaterstaffs and 2 handed weapons and a single point in some kind of missle weapon.

enraged and hacking away with the staff of magi ahh memories :D

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 2:04 pm
by nephtu
Originally posted by Ravenlord
Thanks for the reply! Well thank God I won't have to start over.. what level do you think I should dual at?

If in doubt, just try dual-classing, but back out or don't save...

Weapons, well, it depends on who else you're going to have in your party - if you're the one who'd be using SotM, then probably staves, two stars in two handers plus maybe a ranged weapon of your choice. If not, then it's pretty open for style - I'd pick one complementary to the weapons proficiencies of the other characters.

Depending on the MODs you have, the choices may change: dual katanas with CF/Sanchu is pretty great, FoA/Crom, the various nifty axe combos, and there are a fair range of good two handers also.

Logical levels to dual are 9 & 12 for extra proficiency stars & rages, or 13 for an extra 1/2 attack. 9 will let you dual shortly after Chateau Irenicus, 12 or 13 takes a while, and of course, you're gimped for that much longer, but you're that much whizzier when dualled. Fwiw, I dualled my kensai to thief at 12.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 1:03 am
by kopywrite
Originally posted by Numinor
Wisdom has nothing to do with learning spells, a low wis score only results in lowered saving throws

This wasn't ever implemented in the actual game despite what the manual says.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 9:42 am
by Kaitsuburi
Originally posted by kopywrite
This wasn't ever implemented in the actual game despite what the manual says.

Yep, I second that. Sometimes I wish they had implemented it, sometimes I don't. Well, actually, a bit more of the latter :D

@Ravenlord - any "roleplaying" reason for having wisdom that low? I think you'd most probably be fine through the game. None of the enemies carry Kachiko's wakizashi [wis-draining] otherwise you'd be an easy target to insta-death :eek: Rest of the stats look good; just don't cast limited wish/wish when you become a mage without drinking a ton of wis-enhancing potions :D
