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Rogue Kensai

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 5:36 pm
by Raumoheru
wow i just found out a very good strategy for BG2.

i started out as a human rogue with 18 18 16 16 14 12 and kicked everyone out of my party and went solo thru the dungeon. after the last place in the dungeon i needed my thief skills (getting the key for the traitor doppleganger) i duel classed to a fighter and used SK to make him a kensai and give him the AC bonus. by the time i left the dungeon i was 3 kensai/10 rogue. i went and did the lilacor quest, the slave quest, the beholder cult and nalia's quest. by the end of all that i was kensai 11/rogue 10 and rich as hell. i wentr to the temple and (after many many many tries) got the celestial fury. an easy way to do this is to get lucky and right when u come in the mage may not see u. then u can disable traps, there is one on the door out. i did this went in killed the guy with the sword ran out leting it save the game. i reloaded the auto save and killed one more guy with my new sword and went out again and repeated the process till they all were dead. this also gives u time to use potions and such. now i got Aerie with me to train her to be an uber spell caser :D

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 6:19 pm
by TheDude
nice :D
is the beholderquest possible at low lvl??
i really hated the skells and mummys when i was arround lvl 11/12 with my 3 member party and the nalia quest was easy but the trolls are really nastie if u don't have any fire or accid on u.

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 6:45 pm
by UserUnfriendly
try making a fighter thief multi elf, then open up sk, set both levels to zero, then apply kensai kit...

multiclass thief kensai...

horribly overpowerful... ;)

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 6:58 pm
by Raumoheru
well i dont want to level up with my thief anymore cuz i can open pretty much any lock or disable traps. if i come into probs i can use SK to up my skills. if i multiclass i cant get very high level with my kensai.

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 8:27 pm
by Kaitsuburi
If you are soloing/small party, you'll be uber high level in no time. Believe me, you want Use Any Item for your kensai to achieve super levels of cheesiness :D :D


Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 1:29 am
by kopywrite
Originally posted by TheDude
is the beholderquest possible at low lvl??
i really hated the skells and mummys when i was arround lvl 11/12 with my 3 member party

All you need is cash. Then buy the Shield of Balduran and some protection from undead scrolls.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 1:46 am
by lompo
Originally posted by UserUnfriendly
try making a fighter thief multi elf, then open up sk, set both levels to zero, then apply kensai kit...

multiclass thief kensai...

horribly overpowerful... ;)

I came out with an even more evil option, started a 1/2 orc kensai/thief, at lev. 9 (kensai) I changed the kensai class to barbarian, so now I have an 1/2 orc barb/thief with the bonus of lev. 9 kensai, its a preety scary char. (when raged has str. of 23!! think of the backstabs)

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 4:53 am
by TheDude
Originally posted by lompo
I came out with an even more evil option, started a 1/2 orc kensai/thief, at lev. 9 (kensai) I changed the kensai class to barbarian, so now I have an 1/2 orc barb/thief with the bonus of lev. 9 kensai, its a preety scary char. (when raged has str. of 23!! think of the backstabs)

u still have the kensai abbilaties when u change him in a barb.???
(i'm not really in the whole SK doesn't it mess up your gamemuch?)

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 5:25 am
by Raumoheru
i have never seen SK mess up ur game.
if we are all in agreement to use SK y not just use it to get the use any item feat? lol

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 7:13 am
by lompo
Originally posted by TheDude
u still have the kensai abbilaties when u change him in a barb.???
(i'm not really in the whole SK doesn't it mess up your gamemuch?)

Yes!!! you keep the Kensai bonuses (unless you cancel'em from the effects table). the only thing I cancel when passing to Barb. are the innate abilities (Kai).

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 8:20 am
by TheDude
ok so can't get Kai and berzerk right?
but keeping the bonnuses is great too