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Undead Fighting Tips

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 7:45 pm
by Raumoheru
i had a major problem fighting undead until i took another look at Aerie's spells. she has a simple spell called Sanctuary in her book. have her cast that on herslef and then turn undead in the middle of the room then send ur fighter in and kill the ones who have NOT been effected yet. u can get thru the battles without being level drained this way. :D

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 8:23 pm
by Kaitsuburi
Nice cheap trick :D

A nice "expensive" trick would be Triple Abi Dalzims Chain Contingency on See Enemy :D :D :D


Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 11:23 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Originally posted by Kaitsuburi
Nice cheap trick :D

A nice "expensive" trick would be Triple Abi Dalzims Chain Contingency on See Enemy :D :D :D


even naughtier is turn off ai, cast globe of blades or blade barrior, and chew up non-undead... ;)

mislead works too... :p

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 5:08 am
by TheDude
i alwas kill undead with the sactuary/bladebarrier and turn undead
casting sunray when sactuaried is also nice since it takes undead a while before the attack u especially when u are turning so when they come near u the sunrays casting time is past and it byebye undead :D

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 9:16 am
by Kaitsuburi
Fighting undead is one of the few reasons I miss having high level clerics around. Shadows, wraiths, shades and the like can be annoying with their temporary ability drains and it's nice to see them blow up when faced with a high-level cleric. Another thing is False Dawn; with Viccy and Aerie and that nice buckler from the item upgrade mod, vampires will fry. False dawn from all three corners of the room with the main character casting sunfire from Daystar!

I've never attempted this (UU would be the expert here), but can False Dawns be sequenced in a trigger/contingency? Rather devastating for the poor bloodsuckers :D Not even the strongest sunglasses can save you now!


Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 10:52 am
by TheDude
is false dawn more effective then sunray??
i never used it because it gets in the way with fire elementals and blade barriers :D

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 11:06 am
by UserUnfriendly
Originally posted by Kaitsuburi
Fighting undead is one of the few reasons I miss having high level clerics around. Shadows, wraiths, shades and the like can be annoying with their temporary ability drains and it's nice to see them blow up when faced with a high-level cleric. Another thing is False Dawn; with Viccy and Aerie and that nice buckler from the item upgrade mod, vampires will fry. False dawn from all three corners of the room with the main character casting sunfire from Daystar!

I've never attempted this (UU would be the expert here), but can False Dawns be sequenced in a trigger/contingency? Rather devastating for the poor bloodsuckers :D Not even the strongest sunglasses can save you now!


yes...try a chain contingency of sunrays... :eek: :eek: :eek:

false dawn is different, dude than sunray...actually to my experience false dawn is better at BLINDING than sunray..both spells will blind undead, but sunray, especially in a chain contingency will obliterate them..but use a spell triggered false dawn to blind undead if you get swarmed...then let your warriors with azuredge, mace of disruption chew thru them...

use up your sunrays, then when you're out, use false dawns to blind them... :p :p :p